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- articleAugust 2013
State complexity of star of union and square of union on k regular languages
In this paper, we investigate the state complexities of (@__ __"i"="1^kL"i)^@__ __ and (@__ __"i"="1^kL"i)^2, where L"i, 1= =2 are regular languages. We establish exact bounds for both of these general combined operations and show that they are much ...
- articleJanuary 2013
Quotient complexity of ideal languages
A language L over an alphabet @S is a right (left) ideal if it satisfies L=L@S^* (L=@S^*L). It is a two-sided ideal if L=@S^*L@S^*, and an all-sided ideal if L=@S^*L, the shuffle of @S^* with L. Ideal languages are not only of interest from the ...
- articleOctober 2012
State complexity of union and intersection of square and reversal on k regular languages
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 454Pages 164–171https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2012.03.046In this paper, we continue our study on the state complexity of combined operations on regular languages. We study the state complexities of @?"i"="1^kL"i^2, @?"i"="1^kL"i^2, @?"i"="1^kL"i^R, and @?"i"="1^kL"i^R, for regular languages L"i, 1@?i@?k, k>=...
- articleOctober 2012
Lower bounds for the size of deterministic unranked tree automata
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 454Pages 231–239https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2012.03.043Tree automata operating on unranked trees use regular languages, called horizontal languages, to define the transitions of the vertical states that define the bottom-up computation of the automaton. It is well known that the deterministic tree automaton ...
- articleAugust 2012
State complexity of operations on two-way finite automata over a unary alphabet
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 449Pages 106–118https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2012.04.010The paper determines the number of states in two-way deterministic finite automata (2DFA) over a one-letter alphabet sufficient and in the worst case necessary to represent the results of basic language-theoretic operations on 2DFAs with a certain ...
- articleAugust 2012
On a structural property in the state complexity of projected regular languages
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 449Pages 93–105https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2012.04.009A transition is unobservable if it is labeled by a symbol removed by a projection. The present paper investigates a new structural property of incomplete deterministic finite automata-a number of states incident with an unobservable transition-and its ...
- articleJuly 2012
Pairs of Complementary Unary Languages with "Balanced" Nondeterministic Automata
Algorithmica (ALGR), Volume 63, Issue 3Pages 571–587For each sufficiently large n, there exists a unary regular language L such that both L and its complement Lc are accepted by unambiguous nondeterministic automata with at most n states, while the smallest deterministic automata for these two languages ...
- articleJuly 2012
Pairs of Complementary Unary Languages with “Balanced” Nondeterministic Automata
Algorithmica (ALGR), Volume 63, Issue 3Pages 571–587For each sufficiently large n, there exists a unary regular language L such that both L and its complement L c are accepted by unambiguous nondeterministic automata with at most n states, while the smallest deterministic automata for these two languages ...
- articleJune 2012
State complexity of combined operations with two basic operations
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 437Pages 82–102https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2012.02.030This paper studies the state complexity of (L"1L"2)^R, L"1^RL"2, L"1^*L"2, (L"1@?L"2)L"3, (L"1@?L"2)L"3, L"1L"2@?L"3, and L"1L"2@?L"3 for regular languages L"1, L"2, and L"3. We first show that the upper bound proposed by Liu et al. (2008) [18] for the ...
- articleApril 2012
State complexity of the concatenation of regular tree languages
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 429Pages 273–281https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2011.12.048We consider the state complexity of basic concatenation operations for regular tree languages. We show that the sequential (respectively, parallel) concatenation of tree languages recognized by deterministic bottom-up automata with m and n states can be ...
- articleApril 2012
State complexity of union and intersection of star on k regular languages
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 429Pages 98–107https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2011.12.028In this paper, we continue our study on state complexity of combined operations. We study the state complexities of L"1^*@?L"2^*, @?"i"="1^kL"i^*, L"1^*@?L"2^*, and @?"i"="1^kL"i^* for regular languages L"i, 1@?i@?k. We obtain the exact bounds for these ...
- articleMarch 2012
Unambiguous finite automata over a unary alphabet
Nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) with at most one accepting computation on every input string are known as unambiguous finite automata (UFA). This paper considers UFAs over a one-letter alphabet, and determines the exact number of states in DFAs ...
- articleSeptember 2011
On the complexity of computing the profinite closure of a rational language
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 412, Issue 41Pages 5808–5813https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2011.06.022Profinite topology is used in the classification of rational languages. In particular, several important decidability problems, related to the Malcev product, reduce to the computation of the closure of a rational language in the profinite topology. It ...
- articleAugust 2011
Concatenation of Regular Languages and Descriptional Complexity
Theory of Computing Systems (TOCSYS), Volume 49, Issue 2Pages 306–318https://doi.org/10.1007/s00224-011-9318-7We investigate the deterministic and nondeterministic state complexity of languages resulting from the concatenation of two regular languages represented by deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata. We prove that the whole range of ...
- articleJuly 2011
Two-way unary automata versus logarithmic space
Information and Computation (ICOM), Volume 209, Issue 7Pages 1016–1025https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2011.03.003We show that if L=NL (the classical logarithmic space classes), then each unary 2nfa (a two-way nondeterministic finite automaton) can be converted into an equivalent 2dfa (a deterministic two-way automaton), keeping the number of states polynomial. (...
- research-articleMarch 2011
Limitations of lower bound methods for deterministic nested word automata
Information and Computation (ICOM), Volume 209, Issue 3Pages 580–589https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2010.11.021Finite automata operating on nested words were introduced by Alur and Madhusudan in 2006. While nested word automata retain many of the desirable properties of ordinary finite automata, there is no known efficient minimization algorithm for ...
- articleNovember 2009
On NFAs where all states are final, initial, or both
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 410, Issue 47-49Pages 5010–5021https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2009.07.049We examine questions involving nondeterministic finite automata where all states are final, initial, or both initial and final. First, we prove hardness results for the nonuniversality and inequivalence problems for these NFAs. Next, we characterize the ...
- articleAugust 2009
Determination of finite automata accepting subregular languages
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 410, Issue 35Pages 3209–3222https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2009.05.019We investigate the descriptional complexity of the nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) to the deterministic finite automaton (DFA) conversion problem, for automata accepting subregular languages such as combinational languages, definite languages ...
- articleAugust 2009
Operational state complexity of nested word automata
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 410, Issue 35Pages 3290–3302https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2009.05.002We introduce techniques to prove lower bounds for the number of states needed by finite automata operating on nested words. We study the state complexity of Boolean operations and obtain lower bounds that are tight within an additive constant. The ...
- articleAugust 2009
On the descriptional complexity of Watson-Crick automata
Theoretical Computer Science (TCSC), Volume 410, Issue 35Pages 3250–3260https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2009.05.001Watson-Crick automata are finite state automata working on double-stranded tapes, introduced to investigate the potential of DNA molecules for computing. In this paper, we continue the investigation of descriptional complexity of Watson-Crick automata ...