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- research-article
Unraveling the code: an in-depth empirical study on the impact of development practices in auxiliary functions implementation
September 2024Software Quality Journal, Volume 32, Issue 3 - Article
Visualization, Analysis, and Testing of Java and AspectJ Programs with Multi-level System Graphs
- Otávio Augusto Lazzarini Lemos,
- Felipe Capodifoglio Zanichelli,
- Robson Rigatto,
- Fabiano Ferrari,
- Sudipto Ghosh
October 2013SBES '13: Proceedings of the 2013 27th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - article
The crosscutting impact of the AOSD Brazilian research community
- Uirá Kulesza,
- SéRgio Soares,
- Christina Chavez,
- Fernando Castor,
- Paulo Borba,
- Carlos Lucena,
- Paulo Masiero,
- Claudio Sant'Anna,
- Fabiano Ferrari,
- Vander Alves,
- Roberta Coelho,
- Eduardo Figueiredo,
- Paulo F. Pires,
- FláVia Delicato,
- Eduardo Piveta,
- Carla Silva,
- Valter Camargo,
- Rosana Braga,
- Julio Leite,
- OtáVio Lemos,
- Nabor MendonçA,
- Thais Batista,
- Rodrigo BonifáCio,
- NéLio Cacho,
- Lyrene Silva,
- Arndt Von Staa,
- FáBio Silveira,
- Marco TúLio Valente,
- Fernanda Alencar,
- Jaelson Castro,
- Ricardo Ramos,
- Rosangela Penteado,
- CecíLia Rubira
April 2013Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 86, Issue 4 - Article
The AOSD Research Community in Brazil and Its Crosscutting Impact
- Christina Chavez,
- Uirá Kulesza,
- Sergio Soares,
- Paulo Borba,
- Carlos Lucena,
- Paulo Masiero,
- Claudio Sant'Anna,
- Eduardo Piveta,
- Fabiano Ferrari,
- Fernando Castor,
- Roberta Coelho,
- Lyrene Silva,
- Vander Alves,
- Nabor Mendonca,
- Eduardo Figueiredo,
- Valter Camargo,
- Carla Silva,
- Paulo Pires,
- Thais Batista,
- Nelio Cacho,
- Arndt von Staa,
- Julio Leite,
- Fabio Silveira,
- Otávio Lemos,
- Rosangela Penteado,
- Flávia Delicato,
- Rosana Braga,
- Marco Tulio Valente,
- Ricardo Ramos,
- Rodrigo Bonifácio,
- Fernanda Alencar,
- Jaelson Castro
September 2011SBES '11: Proceedings of the 2011 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Article
The Impact of Coupling on the Fault-Proneness of Aspect-Oriented Programs: An Empirical Study
November 2010ISSRE '10: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering - Article
Characterising Faults in Aspect-Oriented Programs: Towards Filling the Gap Between Theory and Practice
September 2010SBES '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering