Grammar Compression by Induced Suffix Sorting
A grammar compression algorithm, called GCIS, is introduced in this work. GCIS is based on the induced suffix sorting algorithm SAIS, presented by Nong et al. in 2009. The proposed solution builds on the factorization performed by SAIS during suffix ...
On Symmetric Rectilinear Partitioning
Even distribution of irregular workload to processing units is crucial for efficient parallelization in many applications. In this work, we are concerned with a spatial partitioning called rectilinear partitioning (also known as generalized block ...
Comments on “An Exact Method for the Minimum Feedback Arc Set Problem”
We comment on the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics article “An Exact Method for the Minimum Feedback Arc Set Problem” by Ali Baharev, Hermann Schichl, Arnold Neumaier, and Tobias Achterberg, and we point out that a straightforward implementation ...
SSLC: A Search Algorithm Based on Linear Collisions and Poisson Probability Distribution
This article proposes an algorithm, sequential search based on linear collisions (SSLC), based on Poisson probability distribution. SSLC works on large static volumes of data, whose keys are ordered and uniformly distributed. We proved that it takes a ...
Binary Fuse Filters: Fast and Smaller Than Xor Filters
Bloom and cuckoo filters provide fast approximate set membership while using little memory. Engineers use them to avoid expensive disk and network accesses. The recently introduced xor filters can be faster and smaller than Bloom and cuckoo filters. The ...
High-Quality Hypergraph Partitioning
Hypergraphs are a generalization of graphs where edges (aka nets) are allowed to connect more than two vertices. They have a similarly wide range of applications as graphs. This article considers the fundamental and intensively studied problem of balanced ...
Recent Advances in Fully Dynamic Graph Algorithms – A Quick Reference Guide
In recent years, significant advances have been made in the design and analysis of fully dynamic algorithms. However, these theoretical results have received very little attention from the practical perspective. Few of the algorithms are implemented and ...
Direction-optimizing Label Propagation Framework for Structure Detection in Graphs: Design, Implementation, and Experimental Analysis
Label Propagation is not only a well-known machine learning algorithm for classification but also an effective method for discovering communities and connected components in networks. We propose a new Direction-optimizing Label Propagation Algorithm (...
Algorithms and Data Structures for Hyperedge Queries
We consider the problem of querying the existence of hyperedges in hypergraphs. More formally, given a hypergraph, we need to answer queries of the form: “Does the following set of vertices form a hyperedge in the given hypergraph?” Our aim is to set up ...
Toward an Understanding of Long-tailed Runtimes of SLS Algorithms
The satisfiability problem (SAT) is one of the most famous problems in computer science. Traditionally, its NP-completeness has been used to argue that SAT is intractable. However, there have been tremendous practical advances in recent years that allow ...
Enumeration of Far-apart Pairs by Decreasing Distance for Faster Hyperbolicity Computation
Hyperbolicity is a graph parameter that indicates how much the shortest-path distance metric of a graph deviates from a tree metric. It is used in various fields such as networking, security, and bioinformatics for the classification of complex networks, ...
Incremental Updates of Generalized Hypertree Decompositions
Structural decomposition methods, such as generalized hypertree decompositions, have been successfully used for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). As decompositions can be reused to solve CSPs with the same constraint scopes, investing ...