Examining embedded apparatuses of AI in Facebook and TikTok
In popular discussions, the nuances of AI are often abridged as “the algorithm”, as the specific arrangements of machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL) and automated decision-making on social media platforms are typically shrouded in ...
Many hands make many fingers to point: challenges in creating accountable AI
- Stephen C. Slota,
- Kenneth R. Fleischmann,
- Sherri Greenberg,
- Nitin Verma,
- Brenna Cummings,
- Lan Li,
- Chris Shenefiel
Given the complexity of teams involved in creating AI-based systems, how can we understand who should be held accountable when they fail? This paper reports findings about accountable AI from 26 interviews conducted with stakeholders in AI drawn ...
Artificial virtuous agents: from theory to machine implementation
Virtue ethics has many times been suggested as a promising recipe for the construction of artificial moral agents due to its emphasis on moral character and learning. However, given the complex nature of the theory, hardly any work has de facto ...
Varieties of transparency: exploring agency within AI systems
AI systems play an increasingly important role in shaping and regulating the lives of millions of human beings across the world. Calls for greater transparency from such systems have been widespread. However, there is considerable ambiguity ...
Against “Democratizing AI”
This paper argues against the call to democratize artificial intelligence (AI). Several authors demand to reap purported benefits that rest in direct and broad participation: In the governance of AI, more people should be more involved in more ...
Legal personhood for the integration of AI systems in the social context: a study hypothesis
In this paper, I shall set out the pros and cons of assigning legal personhood on artificial intelligence systems (AIs) under civil law. More specifically, I will provide arguments supporting a functionalist justification for conferring personhood ...
Characterizing the perception of urban spaces from visual analytics of street-level imagery
This project uses machine learning and computer vision techniques and a novel interactive visualization tool to provide street-level characterization of urban spaces such as safety and maintenance in urban neighborhoods. This is achieved by ...
Understanding dynamics of polarization via multiagent social simulation
It is widely recognized that the Web contributes to user polarization, and such polarization affects not just politics but also peoples’ stances about public health, such as vaccination. Understanding polarization in social networks is challenging ...
Far-reaching effects of the filter bubble, the most notorious metaphor in media studies
This article discusses the topic of algorithmic personalization and the creation of the so-called “filter bubble” effect, which is often understood as one of the most problematic influences of artificial intelligence on democratic social order. ...
How to cheat on your final paper: Assigning AI for student writing
This paper shares results from a pedagogical experiment that assigns undergraduates to “cheat” on a final class essay by requiring their use of text-generating AI software. For this assignment, students harvested content from an installation of ...
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, Doctor”: meaningful disagreements with AI in medical contexts
This paper explores the role and resolution of disagreements between physicians and their diagnostic AI-based decision support systems (DSS). With an ever-growing number of applications for these independently operating diagnostic tools, it ...
Separating facts and evaluation: motivation, account, and learnings from a novel approach to evaluating the human impacts of machine learning
In this paper, we outline a new method for evaluating the human impact of machine-learning (ML) applications. In partnership with Underwriters Laboratories Inc., we have developed a framework to evaluate the impacts of a particular use of machine ...
Governing algorithms from the South: a case study of AI development in Africa
AI technology is capturing the African imaginations as a gateway to progress and prosperity. There is a growing interest in AI by different actors across the continent including scientists, researchers, humanitarian and aid organizations, academic ...
Maximizing team synergy in AI-related interdisciplinary groups: an interdisciplinary-by-design iterative methodology
- Piercosma Bisconti,
- Davide Orsitto,
- Federica Fedorczyk,
- Fabio Brau,
- Marianna Capasso,
- Lorenzo De Marinis,
- Hüseyin Eken,
- Federica Merenda,
- Mirko Forti,
- Marco Pacini,
- Claudia Schettini
In this paper, we propose a methodology to maximize the benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation in AI research groups. Firstly, we build the case for the importance of interdisciplinarity in research groups as the best means to tackle the social ...
Reasoning about responsibility in autonomous systems: challenges and opportunities
- Vahid Yazdanpanah,
- Enrico H. Gerding,
- Sebastian Stein,
- Mehdi Dastani,
- Catholijn M. Jonker,
- Timothy J. Norman,
- Sarvapali D. Ramchurn
Ensuring the trustworthiness of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence is an important interdisciplinary endeavour. In this position paper, we argue that this endeavour will benefit from technical advancements in capturing various forms of ...
Embedding artificial intelligence in society: looking beyond the EU AI master plan using the culture cycle
- Simone Borsci,
- Ville V. Lehtola,
- Francesco Nex,
- Michael Ying Yang,
- Ellen-Wien Augustijn,
- Leila Bagheriye,
- Christoph Brune,
- Ourania Kounadi,
- Jamy Li,
- Joao Moreira,
- Joanne Van Der Nagel,
- Bernard Veldkamp,
- Duc V. Le,
- Mingshu Wang,
- Fons Wijnhoven,
- Jelmer M. Wolterink,
- Raul Zurita-Milla
The European Union (EU) Commission’s whitepaper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) proposes shaping the emerging AI market so that it better reflects common European values. It is a master plan that builds upon the EU AI High-Level Expert Group ...
Smart soldiers: towards a more ethical warfare
It is a truism that, due to human weaknesses, human soldiers have yet to have sufficiently ethical warfare. It is arguable that the likelihood of human soldiers to breach the Principle of Non-Combatant Immunity, for example, is higher in contrast ...
Machine learning and power relations
There has been an increased focus within the AI ethics literature on questions of power, reflected in the ideal of accountability supported by many Responsible AI guidelines. While this recent debate points towards the power asymmetry between ...
Artificial intelligence ethics has a black box problem
It has become a truism that the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) is necessary and must help guide technological developments. Numerous ethical guidelines have emerged from academia, industry, government and civil society in recent years. ...
Keeping the organization in the loop: a socio-technical extension of human-centered artificial intelligence
The human-centered AI approach posits a future in which the work done by humans and machines will become ever more interactive and integrated. This article takes human-centered AI one step further. It argues that the integration of human and ...
Toward the search for the perfect blade runner: a large-scale, international assessment of a test that screens for “humanness sensitivity”
We introduce a construct called “humanness sensitivity,” which we define as the ability to recognize uniquely human characteristics. To evaluate the construct, we used a “concurrent study design” to conduct an internet-based study with a ...
Implementations, interpretative malleability, value-laden-ness and the moral significance of agent-based social simulations
The focus of social simulation on representing the social world calls for an investigation of whether its implementations are inherently value-laden. In this article, I investigate what kind of thing implementation is in social simulation and ...
The fiction of simulation: a critique of Bostrom’s simulation argument
Nick Bostrom’s “simulation argument” purports to show that if it is possible to create and run a vast number of computer simulations indistinguishable from the reality we are living in, then it is highly probable that we are already living in a ...
AI in human teams: effects on technology use, members’ interactions, and creative performance under time scarcity
Time and technology permeate the fabric of teamwork across a variety of settings to affect outcomes which have a wide range of consequences. However, there is a limited understanding about the interplay between these factors for teams, especially ...
Reflections on epistemological aspects of artificial intelligence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Artificial intelligence plays an important role and has been used by several countries as a health strategy in an attempt to understand, control and find a cure for the disease caused by Coronavirus. These intelligent systems can assist in ...
Artificial intelligence ELSI score for science and technology: a comparison between Japan and the US
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable in our lives. The development of a quantitative scale for AI ethics is necessary for a better understanding of public attitudes toward AI research ethics and to advance the discussion on using ...