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Machine learning and algorithms; agile development
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Cosmic simulations
With the help of supercomputers, scientists are now able to create models of large-scale astronomical events.
DARPA Shredder challenge solved
The eight-person winning team used original computer algorithms to narrow the search space and then relied on human observation to move the pieces into their final positions.
Advertising gets personal
Online behavioral advertising and sophisticated data aggregation have changed the face of advertising and put privacy in the crosshairs.
Broader horizons
ACM's Committee for Women in Computing(ACM-W) is widening its reach to involve women in industry as well as academia, including community college faculty and students.
Inside the hermit kingdom: IT and outsourcing in North Korea
A unique perspective on an evolving technology sector.
Will massive open online courses change how we teach?
Sharing recent experiences with an online course.
The politics of "real names"
Power, context, and control in networked publics.
A system is not a product
Stopping to smell the code before wasting time reentering configuration data.
The internet is everywhere, but the payoff is not
Examining the uneven patterns of Internet economics.
Internet elections: unsafe in any home?
Experiences with electronic voting suggest elections should not be conducted via the Internet.
The ethics of software engineering should be an ethics for the client
Viewing software engineering as a communicative art in which client engagement is essential.
OpenFlow: a radical new idea in networking
An open standard that enables software-defined networking.
Extending the semantics of scheduling priorities
Increasing parallelism demands new paradigms.
Multitier programming in Hop
A first step toward programming 21st-century applications.
The loss of location privacy in the cellular age
How to have the best of location-based services while avoiding the growing threat to personal privacy.
To be or not to be cited in computer science
Traditional bias toward journals in citation databases diminishes the perceived value of conference papers and their authors.
Process mining
Using real event data to X-ray business processes helps ensure conformance between design and reality.
Quantum money
Imagine money you can carry and spend without a trace.
Spreadsheet data manipulation using examples
Millions of computer end users need to perform tasks over large spreadsheet data, yet lack the programming knowledge to do such tasks automatically. We present a programming by example methodology that allows end users to automate such repetitive tasks. ...
Continuity and robustness of programs
Computer scientists have long believed that software is different from physical systems in one fundamental way: while the latter have continuous dynamics, the former do not. In this paper, we argue that notions of continuity from mathematical analysis ...
Puzzled: Find the magic set
Welcome to three new puzzles. Each involves a collection of items, and your job is to find a subset of them that is characterized by a particular property. Since solving the puzzles is not easy, here are a couple of hints: For the first, think about ...