Technological support to foster students’ artificial intelligence ethics: An augmented reality-based contextualized dilemma discussion approach
- Xiao-Fan Lin,
- Zhaoyang Wang,
- Wei Zhou,
- Guoyu Luo,
- Gwo-Jen Hwang,
- Yue Zhou,
- Jing Wang,
- Qintai Hu,
- Wenyi Li,
- Zhong-Mei Liang
Research evidence has emphasized the potential of questioning-based dilemmas and has contextualized role-play simulation to foster students' artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. Therefore, this study combined the viewpoints to design a ...
- An AR-based contextualized dilemma discussion approach is proposed for promoting students' AI ethics.
An epistemic curiosity-evoking model for immersive virtual reality narrative reading: User experience and the interaction among epistemic curiosity, transportation, and attitudinal learning
What situational contexts constructed by learning content or environments may facilitate learners' epistemic curiosity is a noteworthy issue for contemporary education. Besides, the importance of narrative design in pedagogical ...
- Proposing an epistemic curiosity-evoking model for IVR narrative reading design.
Touchscreen apps for child creativity: An evaluation of creativity apps designed for young children
In the last decade, touchscreen apps have become a staple for educating and entertaining children. The number of apps that claim to support child creativity has been on the rise. Pedagogical or developmental qualities of these apps in ...
- A novel systematic approach to reviewing a sample of apps from the app market was used.
Learning versus researching in a desktop virtual reality: How reception goals influence the processing of uncertain information marked by verbal and visual cues
Research on the impact of virtual reality (VR) on learning and the integrated model of processing evidence and its uncertainty values (Glaser, Lengyel, Toulouse, & Schwan, 2022) indicates that learners are in danger of mistakenly ...
- A VR of a reconstructed building with elements of different uncertainty was used.
Counter-attitudinal intervention decreased positive attitudes and behavioral tendencies towards video games
Based on Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance, this study aimed to explore whether arousing cognitive dissonance among game players can alter their attitudes and behavioral tendencies towards their favorite games. Sixty-six ...
- Game-related dissonance led to higher internal changes towards games.
- Snack-...
Decision-guided chatbots and cognitive styles in interdisciplinary learning
Research on chatbots has distinct interdisciplinary features and can be generalized to learning in various fields. However, related research is still fragmented across disciplines and applications. This study aimed to develop a ...
- A decision-guided chatbot for interdisciplinary learning is proposed.
- ...
A robot-based digital storytelling approach to enhancing EFL learners’ multimodal storytelling ability and narrative engagement
Digital technology has brought new opportunities for language education. Multimodal literacy refers to the ability to read, watch, understand, respond to, and generate multimodal texts. Multimodality, promoted by scholars, generates ...
- A robot-based digital storytelling approach for EFL education is proposed.
- The ...
What can online traces tell us about students’ self-regulated learning? A systematic review of online trace data analysis
“Self-regulated learning” (SRL) is defined as taking responsibility for one's own learning. Self-regulatory skills are crucial to learners' success in the online learning context. Although research on SRL is expanding in recent years, ...
- Comprehensively reviewed the use of online traces to measure SRL.
- Grounding ...
Utilizing virtual reality to assist social competence education and social support for children from under-represented backgrounds
Although education is a fundamental human right for global citizens, educational inequality still exists within and among countries. Still today, many students struggle to access and receive quality education. Therefore, the value of ...
- We investigate VR, LEGO, and traditional learning for social competence education.
A study of motivations, behavior, and contributions quality in online communities of teachers: A data analytics approach
This paper presents a study conducted within an online community (OC) of pre-service teachers. Our aim is to better understand the relation between: community members' motivations in participating in these types of communities, their ...
- Lack of research studying correlations of teachers dynamics in Online Communities.
From face-to-face to online: Teachers' perceived experiences in online distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic
The urgent shift to online distance teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic presented teachers with unique pedagogical, technological, and psychological challenges. The aim of this study was to map the main positive and ...
- Mixed-method study of teachers' experiences in online distance teaching during Covid-19.