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Volume 242, Issue CJune 2015
  • Academic Press, Inc.
  • 6277 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando, FL
  • United States
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Qualitative analysis of concurrent mean-payoff games

We consider concurrent games played by two players on a finite-state graph, where in every round the players simultaneously choose a move, and the current state along with the joint moves determine the successor state. We study the most fundamental ...

Looking at mean-payoff and total-payoff through windows

We consider two-player games played on weighted directed graphs with mean-payoff and total-payoff objectives, two classical quantitative objectives. While for single-dimensional games the complexity and memory bounds for both objectives coincide, we ...

Iterated Boolean games

Iterated games are well-known in the game theory literature. We study iterated Boolean games. These are games in which players repeatedly choose truth values for Boolean variables they have control over. Our model of iterated Boolean games assumes that ...

Uniform strategies, rational relations and jumping automata

A general concept of uniform strategies has recently been proposed as a relevant notion in game theory for computer science, which subsumes various notions from the literature. It relies on properties involving sets of plays in two-player turn-based ...

Synthesizing structured reactive programs via deterministic tree automata

Existing approaches to the synthesis of controllers in reactive systems typically involve the construction of transition systems such as Mealy automata. In 2011, Madhusudan proposed structured programs over a finite set of Boolean variables as a more ...

Reasoning about memoryless strategies under partial observability and unconditional fairness constraints

Alternating-time Temporal Logic is a logic to reason about strategies that agents can adopt to achieve a specified collective goal.A number of extensions for this logic exist; some of them combine strategies and partial observability, some others ...

A logic with revocable and refinable strategies

In this article, we present Updatable Strategy Logic (USL), a multi-agent temporal logic which subsumes the main propositions in this area, such as ATL, ATL*, ATL sc and SL. These logics allow to express the capabilities of agents to ensure the ...

Model checking single agent behaviours by fluid approximation

In this paper we investigate a potential use of fluid approximation techniques in the context of stochastic model checking of CSL formulae. We focus on properties describing the behaviour of a single agent in a (large) population of agents, exploiting a ...

Resource-bounded martingales and computable Dowd-type generic sets

Martin-Löf defined algorithmic randomness, the use of martingales in this definition and several variants were explored by Schnorr, and Lutz introduced resource-bounded randomness. Ambos-Spies et al. have studied resource-bounded randomness under time-...

Probabilistic computability and choice

We study the computational power of randomized computations on infinite objects, such as real numbers. In particular, we introduce the concept of a Las Vegas computable multi-valued function, which is a function that can be computed on a probabilistic ...

Pattern matching with variables

A pattern α, i.e., a string that contains variables and terminals, matches a terminal word w if w can be obtained by uniformly substituting the variables of α by terminal words. Deciding whether a given terminal word matches a given pattern is NP-...

Taming past LTL and flat counter systems

Reachability and LTL model-checking problems for flat counter systems are known to be decidable but whereas the reachability problem can be shown in NP, the best known complexity upper bound for the latter problem is made of a tower of several ...

Existence of constants in regular splicing languages

In spite of wide investigations of finite splicing systems in formal language theory, basic questions, such as their characterization, remain unsolved. It has been conjectured that a necessary condition for a regular language L to be a splicing language ...

Information retrieval with unambiguous output

The main problem in information storage has previously been how large amounts of data can be stored. However, the technological development over the years has been able to give rather satisfactory answers to this problem. Recently, the focus has shifted ...

On the entropy of couplings

In this paper, some general properties of Shannon information measures are investigated over sets of probability distributions with restricted marginals. Certain optimization problems associated with these functionals are shown to be NP-hard, and their ...

A complete solution to the complexity of Synchronizing Road Coloring for non-binary alphabets

The parameterized Synchronizing-Road-Coloring Problem (in short: SRCP C ) in its decision version can be formulated as follows: given a digraph G with constant out-degree , check if G can be synchronized by some word of length C for some synchronizing ...
