News Briefs
Software Pirate Receives Longest US Sentence; RSA Conference Europe 2006 Arrives in Nice; Cisco-Microsoft Announce Joint Architecture Interoperability; For Budget Benefits, Find and Replace Aging Assets; Vista Security Features Draw Warning from EC, ...
Lightweight Software Metrics: The P10 Framework
The P10 framework guides the definition of meaningful software metrics for IT projects.
Managing for Better Business-IT Alignment
IT investment can greatly affect B-IT alignment. This survey of IT personnel across Europe offers insights into how successful CIOs partner technology and business requirements.
Test-Driven Development in Large Projects
Geographically distributed development teams in large projects can still realize TDD's considerable advantages. With good communication and judicious use of automated testing, they can overcome many problems.
The Rise of Web Service Ecosystems
The Convergence of Internet marketplaces and service-oriented architectures is spurring the growth of Web service ecosystems. In these ecosystems, how well a service is connected with others will be a measure of its success.
Software Certification Services: Encouraging Trust and Reasonable Expectations
Certification in computing should follow the embedded software model; that is, it should cover both software and the environment in which the software operates. Such certification could ensure the system's security, reliability, and functionality.
Using Policies to Manage Composite Web Services
Mapping guidelines for a Web service's behavior to policies can ensure an individual Web service's smooth engagement into a composite Web service.
Emergency Telephony (ETel 2007); Internet Telephony Magazine; Taking the VoIP Plunge; Internet Telephony Conference and Expo 2007-East; China VoIP Conference and Expo; Speech Quality in VoIP;; XTech 2007: The Ubiquitous Web; Ajax ...
Experience from the Trenches: Toward Effective Online Teaching
Just as traditional teaching relies on expert textbooks, effective online instruction requires expert resources. MERLOT bridges this gap.
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