A real-time matching algorithm using sparse matrix
Aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional image feature matching algorithm, which is computationally expensive and time-consuming, this paper presents a real-time feature matching algorithm. Firstly, the algorithm constructs sparse matrices by Laplace ...
A novel web image retrieval method: bagging weighted hashing based on local structure information
Hashing is widely used in ANN searching problems, especially in web image retrieval. An excellent hashing algorithm can help the users to search and retrieve their web images more conveniently, quickly and accurately. In order to conquer several ...
Detection and mitigation of collusive interest flooding attack on content centric networking
According to the development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), deployments of consumer devices, such as note PC, smartphone, and other information devices, give users easy access to the internet. Users having these devices use services ...
A new overlay P2P network for efficient routing in group communication with regular topologies
This research paper gives a new overlay P2P network to provide a performant and optimised lookup process. The lookup process of the proposed solution reduces the overlay hops and consequently the latency for content lookup, between any pair of nodes. The ...
A smart network and compute-aware Orchestrator to enhance QoS on cloud-based multimedia services
Rich-media applications deployed on cloud lead the use of the internet by people and organisations around the world. The advent of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Networking Function Virtualisation (NFV), and Machine Learning (ML) techniques brings new ...
Hardware support for thread synchronisation in an experimental manycore system
This paper deals with the problem of thread synchronisation in manycore systems. In particular, it considers the open-source GPU-like architecture developed within the MANGO H2020 project. The thread synchronisation hardware relies on a distributed master ...
Identifying journalistically relevant social media texts using human and automatic methodologies
Social networks have provided the means for constant connectivity and fast information dissemination. In addition, real-time posting allows a new form of citizen journalism, where users can report events from a witness perspective. Therefore, information ...
Dijkstra algorithm-based ray tracing for tunnel-like structures
This paper deals with ray tracing in a closed space such as tunnel or underground by using a newly developed simulation method based on the Dijkstra Algorithm (DA). The essence of this method is to modify the proximity-node matrix obtained by DA in terms ...
Implementation of a high-presence immersive traditional crafting system with remote collaborative work support
A high presence immersive traditional crafting system was developed to provide users, who interact with the system through head-mounted displays, with a highly realistic traditional crafting presentation experience that allows moving functions, such as ...
Scheduling communication-intensive applications on Mesos
In recent years, the widespread use of container technologies has significantly altered the interactions between cloud service providers and their customers when developing and offering services. The shift away from Virtual Private Server scenarios in ...
Testing of network security systems through DoS, SQL injection, reverse TCP and social engineering attacks
Cyber-attacks are happening with an ever-increasing frequency with the goal of gaining access to sensitive information. These attacks can cause huge damage to all kinds of organisations. With web applications becoming a preferred target for attackers ...