Hitting a moving target: a process model of information systems control change
Controls are widely regarded as a key factor in driving high performing organisational processes. However, because of ongoing changes within information systems IS processes, control modifications are commonly required in order to maintain performance ...
Reconciling global and local needs: a canonical action research project to deal with workarounds
This paper discusses how research with practitioners can help reconcile the top-down requirements of headquarters with the bottom-up local needs in the context of global information systems. Based on a 12-month canonical action research project that ...
Developing ecological sustainability: a green IS response model
Growing private and public concern with the environment is pushing businesses to increase their awareness and action. Using the Nordic bank Nordea as a case study and a Green information systems IS organizational response model developed on the basis of ...
Affordances of social media in collective action: the case of Free Lunch for Children in China
This paper studies the socialised affordances of social media in the processes of collective action, exploring the role of technology in the under-researched area of civil society. We examine the case of Free Lunch for Children FL4C, a charitable ...