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Volume 140, Issue CJul 2023
  • Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.
  • 655 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY
  • United States
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Research Paper
Heuristic task scheduling on heterogeneous UAVs: A combinatorial optimization approach

A fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide a new and unique type of distributed computing paradigm and platform. This is a distributed computing environment with mobile servers, where a server (i.e., a UAV) moves around to ...

Enabling blockchain-assisted certificateless public integrity checking for industrial cloud storage systems

Due to the sharp increase in industrial data, cloud computing has been integrated into intelligent Industrial Internet of Things systems to store and process massive data. Since core data are key factors in the industrial production ...

A traceable and revocable decentralized multi-authority privacy protection scheme for social metaverse

Intelligent identification of close friends is the mainstream approach to protect users’ multi-dimensional data in the social metaverse. It provides a fine-grained matching service for users. However, users enjoy these benefits at the ...


  • We propose a new TRDM approach to safeguard users’ multi-dimensional data and offer fine-grained matching services.

DAC: A dynamic active and collaborative cache management scheme for solid state disks

NAND Flash memory-based SSDs have been widely used in modern storage systems to improve the performance and energy consumption. Existing caching management schemes rarely consider the utilization of parallel resources in flash memory ...

Special issue on Real-Time Distributed Computing
Towards a real-time IoT: Approaches for incoming packet processing in cyber–physical systems

Embedded real-time devices for monitoring, controlling, and collaboration purposes in cyber–physical systems are now commonly equipped with IP networking capabilities. However, the reception and processing of IP packets generates ...

Special issue on Frontiers in Cyber Security
A certificateless multi-dimensional data aggregation scheme for smart grid

In the context of the smart grid, the use of smart meters to regularly collect electricity data from customers poses a significant risk of privacy disclosure. Furthermore, traditional data aggregation schemes assume a fully trusted ...

Special issue on Distributed Learning and Blockchain Enabled Infrastructures for Next Generation of Big Data Driven Cyber-Physical Systems
A survey on privacy preservation techniques for blockchain interoperability

The prosperity of blockchain has spawned numerous blockchain-based platforms with different structures and consensus mechanisms, further increasing the attention of blockchain interoperability for the interactions of different ...

Special issue on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP’2022)
SLIMBRAIN: Augmented reality real-time acquisition and processing system for hyperspectral classification mapping with depth information for in-vivo surgical procedures

Over the last two decades, augmented reality (AR) has led to the rapid development of new interfaces in various fields of social and technological application domains. One such domain is medicine, and to a higher extent surgery, where ...

Special issue on Advanced Embedded Software Technology
Online energy-efficient scheduling of DAG tasks on heterogeneous embedded platforms

Heterogeneous distributed computing systems are becoming more and more common to process practical applications in many embedded systems, where energy efficiency is very important, especially for battery-powered systems. This paper ...

Special issue on Edge Computing Optimization and Security
BSAF: A blockchain-based secure access framework with privacy protection for cloud-device service collaborations

In an open Internet-of-Things (IoT) environment, cloud-device collaborative development brings more functional services to users. However, privacy disclosure risks concerning service provision and users’ accessing behavior also ...
