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Volume 26, Issue 4Jul 2021
  • Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • 101 Philip Drive Assinippi Park Norwell, MA
  • United States
Reflects downloads up to 19 Feb 2025Bibliometrics
Application of virtual reality for infrastructure management education in civil engineering

The cultivation of understanding regarding civil engineering in students requires them to conceive things in a manner that allows for a comprehensive grasp of practical aspects in alignment with theoretical principles. This requirement is more ...

Students’ perceptions of Kahoot!: An exploratory mixed-method study in EFL undergraduate classrooms in the UAE

In recent years, game-based student response systems (GSRS) such as Socrative, Quizlet, and Kahoot! has become a popular tool to increase motivation, enhance classroom engagement, and facilitate collaborative learning. Despite the popularity of ...

Effects of technology-enhanced constructivist learning on science achievement of students with different cognitive styles

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of technology-enhanced constructivist learning on science achievement of seventh-grade students with different cognitive styles. Cognitive styles of the students are examined within the frame of ...

End-user satisfaction of technology-enabled assessment in higher education: A coping theory perspective

The current study examines students’ coping process of a forced technological intervention in academic outcome assessment in a higher education setting. A mixed-method approach was used to study 246 post-graduate students’ post-usage behaviour of ...

Preservice teachers’ attitudes toward Web 2.0 personal learning environments (PLEs): Considering the impact of self-regulation and digital literacy

Web 2.0 Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) have been proposed as a new method to promote the use of Web 2.0 tools for learner-centered personal learning. However, few studies have examined students’ attitudes toward Web 2.0 PLEs or, more ...

Supervision of master theses based on Scrum: A case study

The success rate of a master program on Information Systems and Computer Engineering (MEIC) in a Portuguese university is very unsatisfactory, showing that less than half of the students complete the assigned work in their first term. However, the ...

The effect of flipped learning on EFL students’ writing performance, autonomy, and motivation

Though flipped learning has positively impacted teaching English writing, its usefulness in developing students’ English writing performance, autonomy, and motivation is still unclear. This study aimed at investigating the effects of using flipped ...

Integration of information and communication technology in teaching: Initial perspectives of senior high school teachers in Ghana

The study examined the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in teaching in Senior High Schools. The study focused on the Kumasi Girls Senior High School in Ghana. The study had two objectives. The first objective examined the ...

Issues in learning management systems implementation: A comparison of research perspectives between Australia and China

Australian post-secondary institutions have embraced the incorporation of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) into traditional classroom-based instruction and distance learning models. Given that an increasing number of Chinese students are ...

Highlighting and taking notes are equally ineffective when Reading paper or eText

The present study examined whether there is a difference in comprehension when reading from computer-based text versus reading from paper-based text and whether there is any benefit from the ability to take notes and highlight text while reading. ...

Implications of the Delphi method in the evaluation of sustainability open education resource repositories

To better understand the sustainable development of open educational resources (OER), this paper aimed to break through the original ‘fixed’, highly structured evaluation system and develop an open and flexible “1 + X” evaluation framework of OER ...

The influence of using ICT in high-skills competences and ICT competences. A structural model

University students have to master new competences to be able to completely form part of Knowledge Society, which are known as 21st-century competences. These include high-skill competences (higher-order thinking capacities and teamwork ...

An investigation on primary school students’ dispositions towards programming with game-based learning

In the modern education system, new technological teaching aids are used to support learning, to increase motivation and adaptation of students. Game-based Learning (GBL) is one of such aids that it can be successfully integrated to improve ...

An assessment of the interplay between literacy and digital Technology in Higher Education

Digital technologies fundamentally transform teaching and learning in higher education environments, with the pace of technological change exacerbating the challenge. Due to the current pandemic situation, higher education environments are all now ...

Identifying the key success factors for the adoption of mobile learning

There is evidence that sustainability and efficiency are challenges for mobile learning adoption methods. The objective of this study is to identify, categorize and evaluate the critical factors that shape the adoption and sustainable use of ...

Socio-interactive practices and personality within an EFL online learning environments

A primary effort within the literature addresses the needs in acclimatizing dynamic, student-driven instruction to conceive a significantly enhanced online learning environment. This study serves to examine the relationship, if any, between ...

Exploring the effectiveness of a mobile writing application for supporting handwriting acquisition of students with dysgraphia

Handwriting is one of the most important essential skills for both literacy and beyond. However, some students have difficulty in writing. Dysgraphia, a disorder of written expression, is a condition where a student’s writing skills are below the ...

Exploring the determinants of students’ academic performance at university level: The mediating role of internet usage continuance intention

This study investigates the impact of integrating essential factors on academic performance in university students’ context. The proposed model examines the influence of continuance intention, satisfaction, information value, and Internet ...

Integrating design science research and design based research frameworks for developing education support systems

This paper proposes an integrated research framework that takes advantage of the similarities of design science research (DSR) and Design-based research (DBR) for developing a new decision support system (DSS) artefact. Firstly, the paper ...

Designing a gamified e-learning environment for teaching undergraduate ERP course based on big five personality traits

The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to push the use of distance learning, impacting an unprecedented number of students. New norms of social distancing and lockdown had been brought in as university measures, immediately modifying student ...

Factors affecting ICT integration in TURKISH education: a systematic review

This research aims to reveal factors affecting Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) integration in learning environments in Turkey. The meta-synthesis method is used to make in-depth analysis and to interpret qualitative research ...

Reasons and mediators in the development and communication of personal digital stories

The expansion of access to devices, as well as the production and publication options in social networks requires a broader definition of the traditional notion of personal digital storytelling. To get a deeper understanding of these practices in ...

Action protocol for the use of robotics in students with Autism Spectrum Disoders: A systematic-review

During the last two decades, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has opened new paths in the intervention of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These may include intervention based on "social robots". This research ...

The effect of technology-supported collaborative problem solving method on students’ achievement and engagement

This study aimed to determine the effect of web 2.0 technologies supported collaborative problem solving method on students’ achievement and engagement. A pretest–posttest quasi-experimental design was implemented. A total of 94 students who ...

Question paper generation through progressive model and difficulty calculation on the Promexa Mobile Application

Mobile learning has been increased in past years and has attracted the interests of academicians and educators in the past many years especially in higher education. The mobile-based online test is the buzzing in the current pandemic time. ...

High school students’ acceptance and use of mobile technology in learning mathematics

The purpose of this research is to investigate factors affecting the acceptance and use of mobile technology in learning mathematics based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model. The study group comprised of ...

Using technology-based tools in ensuring quality of publishable journal articles: the case of Chinese undergraduate research writing experience

Undergraduate student engagement in research publication facilitates their intellectual development and professional social interaction and leads to increased sense of self-efficacy and trust in science and recognition as a researcher. Scientific ...

Determinants predicting undergraduates’ intention to adopt e-learning for studying english in chinese higher education context: A structural equation modelling approach

This study explores the determinants that predict undergraduates’ intention to adopt e-learning for studying English on the basis of the extended technology acceptance model. The survey is conducted on 199 undergraduates. Structural equation ...

The voice, text, and the visual as semiotic companions: an analysis of the materiality and meaning potential of multimodal screen feedback

The gap between how learners interpret and act upon feedback has been widely documented in the research literature. What is less certain is the extent to which the modality and materiality of the feedback influence students’ and teachers’ ...
