Functional mixtures-of-experts
We consider the statistical analysis of heterogeneous data for prediction, in situations where the observations include functions, typically time series. We extend the modeling with mixtures-of-experts (ME), as a framework of choice in modeling ...
Expectile and M-quantile regression for panel data
Linear fixed effect models are a general way to fit panel or longitudinal data with a distinct intercept for each unit. Based on expectile and M-quantile approaches, we propose alternative regression estimation methods to estimate the parameters ...
Matrix regression heterogeneity analysis
The development of modern science and technology has facilitated the collection of a large amount of matrix data in fields such as biomedicine. Matrix data modeling has been extensively studied, which advances from the naive approach of flattening ...
An expectile computation cookbook
A substantial body of work in the last 15 years has shown that expectiles constitute an excellent candidate for becoming a standard tool in probabilistic and statistical modeling. Surprisingly, the question of how expectiles may be efficiently ...
Parsimonious ultrametric Gaussian mixture models
Gaussian mixture models represent a conceptually and mathematically elegant class of models for casting the density of a heterogeneous population where the observed data is collected from a population composed of a finite set of G homogeneous ...
Doubly robust estimation of optimal treatment regimes for survival data using an instrumental variable
In survival contexts, substantial literature exists on estimating optimal treatment regimes, where treatments are assigned based on personal characteristics to maximize the survival probability. These methods assume that a set of covariates is ...
Stochastic three-term conjugate gradient method with variance technique for non-convex learning
In the training process of machine learning, the minimization of the empirical risk loss function is often used to measure the difference between the model’s predicted value and the real value. Stochastic gradient descent is very popular for this ...
Improving model choice in classification: an approach based on clustering of covariance matrices
This work introduces a refinement of the Parsimonious Model for fitting a Gaussian Mixture. The improvement is based on the consideration of clusters of the involved covariance matrices according to a criterion, such as sharing Principal ...
Generalized spherical principal component analysis
Outliers contaminating data sets are a challenge to statistical estimators. Even a small fraction of outlying observations can heavily influence most classical statistical methods. In this paper we propose generalized spherical principal component ...
Parsimonious consensus hierarchies, partitions and fuzzy partitioning of a set of hierarchies
Methodology is described for fitting a fuzzy partition and a parsimonious consensus hierarchy (ultrametric matrix) to a set of hierarchies of the same set of objects. A model defining a fuzzy partition of a set of hierarchical classifications, ...
Variable selection using axis-aligned random projections for partial least-squares regression
In high-dimensional data modeling, variable selection plays a crucial role in improving predictive accuracy and enhancing model interpretability through sparse representation. Unfortunately, certain variable selection methods encounter challenges ...
Novel sampling method for the von Mises–Fisher distribution
The von Mises–Fisher distribution is a widely used probability model in directional statistics. An algorithm for generating pseudo-random vectors from this distribution was suggested by Wood (Commun Stat Simul Comput 23(1):157–164, 1994), which is ...
Resampling-based confidence intervals and bands for the average treatment effect in observational studies with competing risks
The g-formula can be used to estimate the treatment effect while accounting for confounding bias in observational studies. With regard to time-to-event endpoints, possibly subject to competing risks, the construction of valid pointwise confidence ...
R-VGAL: a sequential variational Bayes algorithm for generalised linear mixed models
Models with random effects, such as generalised linear mixed models (GLMMs), are often used for analysing clustered data. Parameter inference with these models is difficult because of the presence of cluster-specific random effects, which must be ...
Screen then select: a strategy for correlated predictors in high-dimensional quantile regression
Strong correlation among predictors and heavy-tailed noises pose a great challenge in the analysis of ultra-high dimensional data. Such challenge leads to an increase in the computation time for discovering active variables and a decrease in ...
Automated generation of initial points for adaptive rejection sampling of log-concave distributions
Adaptive rejection sampling requires that users provide points that span the distribution’s mode. If these points are far from the mode, it significantly increases computational costs. This paper introduces a simple, automated approach for ...
Reversed particle filtering for hidden markov models
We present an approach to selecting the distributions in sampling-resampling which improves the efficiency of the weighted bootstrap. To complement the standard scheme of sampling from the prior and reweighting with the likelihood, we introduce a ...
A flexible Bayesian tool for CoDa mixed models: logistic-normal distribution with Dirichlet covariance
Compositional Data Analysis (CoDa) has gained popularity in recent years. This type of data consists of values from disjoint categories that sum up to a constant. Both Dirichlet regression and logistic-normal regression have become popular as CoDa ...
A communication-efficient, online changepoint detection method for monitoring distributed sensor networks
We consider the challenge of efficiently detecting changes within a network of sensors, where we also need to minimise communication between sensors and the cloud. We propose an online, communication-efficient method to detect such changes. The ...
A general model-checking procedure for semiparametric accelerated failure time models
We propose a set of goodness-of-fit tests for the semiparametric accelerated failure time (AFT) model, including an omnibus test, a link function test, and a functional form test. This set of tests is derived from a multi-parameter cumulative sum ...