A deterministic algorithm for nonlinear, fatigue‐based structural health monitoring
The irregularity of peak and valley stress values of loading histories is the main impediment for accurate fatigue‐based structural health monitoring. Since the available fatigue material data (e.g., S‐N curves) have been derived by cyclic loading ...
A phase‐field lattice Boltzmann method for the solution of water‐entry and water‐exit problems
In this paper, an original phase‐field lattice Boltzmann scheme for a system composed of two immiscible and incompressible fluids interacting with moving solids is developed, presented, and tested for the first time. The proposed approach is ...
An accelerated boundary element method via cross approximation of integral kernels for large‐scale cathodic protection problems
The boundary element method (BEM), combined with hierarchical matrices (HM) and adaptive cross approximation (ACA) techniques, is a powerful tool for treating large‐scale cathodic protection (CP) problems in offshore engineering. Although HM‐ACA/...
3D active dynamic actuation model for offshore cranes
The handling of offshore payloads is a critical operation that presents numerous challenges, in particular related to the required precision in controlling their oscillations in a safe and accurate manner. The uncontrolled payload oscillations ...
Damage detection of nonlinear structures using probability density ratio estimation
This study focuses on vibration‐based damage detection for a structure that has nonlinear behavior even in the undamaged state. Based on the vibration responses of a single sensor, a non‐Gaussian multivariate probability density function (PDF) is ...
A consistent second‐order hydrodynamic model in the time domain for floating structures with large horizontal motions
Floating offshore structures often exhibit low‐frequency oscillatory motions in the horizontal plane, with amplitudes in the same order as their characteristic dimensions and larger than the corresponding wave‐frequency responses, making the ...
Design of the submerged horizontal plate breakwater using a fully coupled hydroelastic approach
This work provides a novel approach that combines computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with computational solid mechanics (CSM) to dynamically simulate the fully coupled hydroelastic interaction between nonlinear ocean waves and a submerged ...