Toward better retrieval and presentation by exploring cross-media correlations
This paper addresses explicit correlation and implicit correlation between various media streams in a composite multimedia document, the so-called navigated hypermedia document in our language learning system, in order to facilitate document retrieval ...
Quality-based I/O resource managementfor multimedia document database servers
Slow access to disk-based multimedia data is a major limiting factor in the performance of modern multimedia Web servers connected over broadband networks. The I/O bottleneck becomes even more pronounced for currently evolving systems handling ...
A global timestamp-based approach to enhanced data consistency and fairness in collaborative virtual environments
Collaborative virtual environments are rapidly gaining in popularity for the implementation of intuitive workspaces and networked gaming environments. Primary challenges that have to be addressed by these systems are maintaining systemwide data ...
Hybrid and forward error correction transmission techniques for unreliable transport of 3D geometry
The continual improvement in computer performance together with the prevalence of high-speed network connections having high throughput and moderate latencies enables the deployment of multimedia applications, such as collaborative virtual environments, ...
Multimedia layout adaptation through grammatical specifications
Online multimedia presentations, such as news, need to be constantly updated. Increasing demands are also being made for accessing online multimedia documents from mobile devices such as PDAs. There is an urgent need for a sound but practical formalism ...
Video text detection and segmentation for optical character recognition
In this paper, we present approaches to detecting and segmenting text in videos. The proposed video-text-detection technique is capable of adaptively applying appropriate operators for video frames of different modalities by classifying the background ...