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Volume 117, Issue CSep 2023
  • Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
  • PO Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
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Adaptively parallel runtime verification based on distributed network for temporal properties

Runtime verification is a lightweight verification technique that verifies whether a monitored program execution satisfies a desired property. Online runtime verification faces challenges regarding efficiency and property ...

Big data BPMN workflow resource optimization in the cloud

Cloud computing is one of the critical technologies that meet the demand of various businesses for the high-capacity computational processing power needed to gain knowledge from their ever-growing business data. When utilizing cloud ...

Optimizing massively parallel sparse matrix computing on ARM many-core processor

Sparse matrix multiplication is ubiquitous in many applications such as graph processing and numerical simulation. In recent years, numerous efficient sparse matrix multiplication algorithms and computational libraries have been ...

Parallelizable efficient large order multiple recursive generators

The general multiple recursive generator (MRG) of maximum period has been thought of as an excellent source of pseudo random numbers. Based on a kth order linear recurrence modulo p, this generator produces the next pseudo random ...

New YARN sharing GPU based on graphics memory granularity scheduling

As one of the most widely used cluster scheduling frameworks, Hadoop YARN only supported CPU and memory scheduling in the past. Furthermore, due to the widespread use of AI, the demand for GPU is also increasing. So Hadoop YARN V3.0 ...

A flexible sparse matrix data format and parallel algorithms for the assembly of finite element matrices on shared memory systems

Finite element methods require the composition of the global stiffness matrix from local finite element contributions. The composition process combines the computation of element stiffness matrices and their assembly into the global ...


  • A new sparse matrix format, Compressed-Rows-Aligned-Columns (CRAC), ideal for hp-FEM.

An optimal scheduling algorithm considering the transactions worst-case delay for multi-channel hyperledger fabric network

As the most popular consortium blockchain platform, Hyperledger Fabric (Fabric for short) has released multiple versions that support different consensus protocols to address the risks faced in current and future network transactions. ...


  • We proposed an optimal scheduling algorithm considering the transactions worst-case delay.

Finding inputs that trigger floating-point exceptions in heterogeneous computing via Bayesian optimization

Testing code for floating-point exceptions is crucial as exceptions can quickly propagate and produce unreliable numerical answers. The state-of-the-art to test for floating-point exceptions in heterogeneous systems is quite limited ...

Distributed software defined network-based fog to fog collaboration scheme

Fog computing was created to supplement the cloud in bridging the communication delay gap by deploying fog nodes nearer to Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Depending on the geographical location, computational resource and rate of IoT ...


  • Inter-domain Fog to Fog Service Offloading Scheme was proposed.
  • A novel DSDN-...

ESA: An efficient sequence alignment algorithm for biological database search on Sunway TaihuLight

In computational biology, biological database search has been playing a very important role. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has provided significant help in identifying common characteristics of viruses and developing vaccines and ...


  • In this paper, we propose and implement an efficient sequence alignment algorithm, ESA, for biological database search on SW26010 heterogeneous processors. ...

Using heterogeneous GPU nodes with a Cabana-based implementation of MPCD

The Kokkos based library Cabana, which has been developed in the Co-design Center for Particle Applications (CoPA), is used for the implementation of Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics (MPCD), a particle-based description of ...


  • Kokkos allows portability between architectures with little programming overhead
