Translating active objects into colored Petri nets for communication analysis
- Anastasia Gkolfi,
- Crystal Chang Din,
- Einar Broch Johnsen,
- Lars Michael Kristensen,
- Martin Steffen,
- Ingrid Chieh Yu
Actor-based languages attract attention for their ability to scale to highly parallel architectures. Active objects combine the asynchronous communication of actors with object-oriented programming by means of asynchronous method calls ...
A declarative enhancement of JavaScript programs by leveraging the Java metadata infrastructure
Web browsers have evolved into indispensable software platforms for modern applications. Although JavaScript has become a de-facto lingua franca for developing web applications, the JavaScript software development tools and ...
An evolutionary approach to translating operational specifications into declarative specifications
- Facundo Molina,
- César Cornejo,
- Renzo Degiovanni,
- Germán Regis,
- Pablo F. Castro,
- Nazareno Aguirre,
- Marcelo F. Frias
Various tools for program analysis, including run-time assertion checkers and static analyzers such as verification and test generation tools, require formal specifications of the programs being analyzed. Moreover, many of these tools ...
- Many analysis techniques require specifications of the programs being analyzed.
A lightweight deadlock analysis for programs with threads and reentrant locks
Deadlock analysis of multi-threaded programs with reentrant locks is complex because these programs may have infinitely many states. We define a simple calculus featuring recursion, threads and synchronizations that guarantee exclusive ...
Special section: 18th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2015)
Test case generation, selection and coverage from natural language
In Model-based Testing (MBT), test cases are automatically generated from a formal model of the system. A disadvantage of MBT is that developers must deal with formal notations. This limitation is addressed in this paper, where use ...
- A process algebraic approach to test generation from use cases in natural language.
CPN simulation-based test case generation from controlled natural-language requirements
We propose a test generation strategy from natural language (NL) requirements via translation into Coloured Petri Nets (CPN), an extension of Petri Nets that supports model structuring and provides a mature theory and powerful tool ...
- Test case generation for timed reactive systems from natural-language requirements.
SCJ-Circus : Specification and refinement of Safety-Critical Java programs
Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) is a version of Java for real-time, embedded, safety-critical applications. It supports certification via abstractions that enforce a particular program architecture, with controlled concurrency and memory ...
- A refinement notation for specification and verification of SCJ programs is proposed.