Examining the performance of kernel methods for software defect prediction based on support vector machine
Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been widely used to build software defect prediction models. Prior studies compared the accuracy of SVM to other machine learning algorithms but arrives at contradictory conclusions due to the use of ...
- Accuracy and stability of four kernel functions with SVM were examined for defects prediction.
CLG-Trans: Contrastive learning for code summarization via graph attention-based transformer
Automated code summarization is the task of automatically generating natural language descriptions of source code, which is an important research topic in the software engineering field. Many methods in recent studies were based on ...
- Propose a novel code summarization model named CLG-Trans.
- Pre-train a ...
A lightweight API recommendation method for App development based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Context: API is important in daily programming activities during app development, but finding appropriate APIs is time-consuming for developers. To simplify this process, many researchers pay attention to overcoming the task-API ...
- We model API recommendation task as a multi-objective optimization problem.
- We ...
Measurement of key performance indicators of user experience based on software requirements
Software User Experience (UX) reveals product impressions when using or planning to utilize a software product. However, software products are notorious for their uncertainty, adaptability, and continuous operation. Users often ...
- Software User Experience (UX) prediction entails success.
- A machine learning ...
An effective software cross-project fault prediction model for quality improvement
As a quality assurance activity, cross-project fault prediction (CPFP) involves building a model for predicting the faults in a specific software project (aka target project) facing the shortage of within-project training data, ...
- We propose a hybrid approach for cross-project fault prediction model.
- It ...
Cost-effective simulation-based test selection in self-driving cars software▪
Simulation environments are essential for the continuous development of complex cyber-physical systems such as self-driving cars (SDCs). Previous results on simulation-based testing for SDCs have shown that many automatically generated ...
- A structural refactoring and extension of the SDC-Scissor framework to provide an extendable open API
Deductive verification of active objects with Crowbar▪
We present Crowbar, a deductive verification tool for the Active Object language ABS. Crowbar implements novel specification approaches specifically for distributed systems. For user interaction, counterexamples are presented as ...
BURST: Benchmarking uniform random sampling techniques
BURST is a benchmarking platform for uniform random sampling (URS) techniques. Given: i) the description of a sampling space provided as a Boolean formula (DIMACS), and ii) a sampling budget (time and strength of uniformity), BURST ...
- Uniform generation of solutions for SAT formulas is a theoretical and practical problem for software engineering and AI.