Neighborhood contrastive learning-based graph neural network for bug triaging
Researchers have been developing automatic bug triaging techniques by leveraging bug information sourced from bug tracking systems. Recent studies have modeled the bug-developer relationship as a graph, introducing graph neural networks for bug ...
- A graph neural network based bug triaging framework, which uses contrastive learning to reduce the data sparsity sensitivity of graph-based automatic bug triaging methods.
- Use structural neighbors and semantic neighbors as contrastive ...
Diagnosis of package installation incompatibility via knowledge base
Python package installation is far from trivial. Users encounter a variety of errors when installing Python libraries, including dependency conflicts and incompatibilities. Existing solutions focus on parsing third-party dependencies but ignore ...
- A diagnosis tool gives comprehensive diagnoses for Python package installations and generates feasible installation solutions.
- An empirical study of Python version compatibility in the wild. There is a strong relationship between ...
A method to identify overfitting program repair patches based on expression tree
The primary aim of Automatic Program Repair (APR) is to automatically repair defective programs, with the intention of reducing the amount of effort required by developers. However, APR techniques may produce overfitting patches that do not truly ...
- A comprehensive classification of conditional constraint patches is defined.
- The concepts of expression trees and hypergraph vertex coverings are introduced for the first time.
- A redefinition of coverage criteria based on the ...
“Will I be replaced?” Assessing ChatGPT's effect on software development and programmer perceptions of AI tools
ChatGPT is a language model with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities that has found utility across various sectors. Given its impact, we conducted two empirical studies to assess the potential and limitations of ChatGPT and other AI tools ...
A model-checker exploiting structural reductions even with stutter sensitive LTL▪
In [1] we proposed to verify LTL properties using a fine grain analysis classifying formulae into four classes (stutter, shortening, lengthening insensitive or none of these). With this classification we extend the applicability of structural ...
Sibilla: A tool for reasoning about collective systems▪
Formal approaches and tools have been defined, implemented and successfully applied to support the design and development of Collective Adaptive Systems. These tools are highly specialised in their fields, and their integration requires an ...
- Sibilla is a modular framework for specification and analysis of Collective Systems.
- Sibilla integrates tools for simulation and statistical analysis/model-checking.
- Sibilla simplifies the integration of new languages and tools.
Exploratory study on the syntactic and semantic consistency of terms in project management glossaries to provide recommendations for a project management ontology
This paper shows an exploratory study of the syntactic and semantic similarities and discrepancies of the terms of four selected project management glossaries. The main purpose of this study is to provide recommendations on adoptions and ...
Narrowing and heuristic search for symbolic reachability analysis of concurrent object-oriented systems
A concurrent system specified as a rewrite theory can be analyzed symbolically using narrowing-based reachability analysis. Narrowing-based approaches have been applied to formally analyze cryptographic protocols and parameterized protocols. ...