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Reflects downloads up to 03 Sep 2024Bibliometrics
Artificial life evolution in a simplified APL2 environment

Artificial life based on simulation evolution is a flourishing field. One of its most publicized achievements of the nineties was TIERRA, by T. S. Ray. APL2 has been used successfully to implement a similar simpler artificial life application that shows ...

Using APL2 to compute the dimension of a fractal represented as a grammar

In this paper we describe the use of APL2 to implement and depict the equivalence between the mathematical field of fractal curves and the linguistic field of parallel derivation grammars, by tackling the problem of determining the dimension of a ...

Client-server based application in the dyalog APL environment

This paper is concerned with the problem of creating server-based application for the Dyalog APL environment on the example of "Agent". The "Agent" is a new common tool for the portfolio management system SOFIA® (product of APL Italiana®), and GAMA (...

High performance computing through parallel processing

At the department for computer science of the Technical University of Berlin a workstation network based on Unix was established in the early Nineties as a substitute for the mainframe architecture.In order to satisfy the demand for DOS/Windows a PC-...

What's wrong with APL2

Design of a programming language is both an art and a science. A notation must be formally correct yet usable. Formal correctness is subject to rigorous analysis but usability is more difficult to measure. If there was only one correct formalism, ...

Defining APL community: case studies, towards a revival of APL community

I have been attending APL conferences for just under a quarter century now, and the one theme that runs through many conversations at all of them is how "APL is dying". Between conferences, I hear this time and time again, usually most loudly from ...

Object oriented APL: an introduction and overview

The importance of Object-Oriented techniques is perhaps one of the most significant changes in programming over the last decade or more; in 1991, a team of three (Jacob Brickman, Michael J. Kent, and the author) began looking into what would be required ...

Interest made simple with arrays

A better financial calculatorStudents of the mathematics of finance seem to be comfortable using calculators to evaluate formulas or numerical expressions. They are typically much less comfortable writing programs in BASIC (or C or Java etc.) even in ...

APL tutorial in mathematical modelling

The software presented below is a computer tutorial in mathematical modeling. The term "Mathematical Modeling" does not have a precise definition. We use the term to imply problem description in mathematical terms and the use of mathematical tools to ...

The design and implementation of an APL dialect, ELI

ELI is an APL dialect that uses ASCII characters. It has a workspace based programming environment: all primitives of APL1[3] and control structures. It has no nested arrays or defined operators. Instead, it has user-defined data structures, and defined ...

The killer app: how to make millions with ground-breaking software

I've been a programmer for over 30 years, often at the leading edge, never in a classic IT shop. I've worked with several vendors' mainframes, midis and micros, for big firms, small firms, central government, educational establishments, and for myself; ...

Experiences with APL on a mainframe as a webserver
Representation of ASN.1 in APL nested structures

Abstract Syntax Notation One, or ASN.1, is a standardized data format for data networks and open system communications, defined by the ITU. Several TCP/IP protocols and security applications are based on it. In order to use APL to implement software ...

An improved method for creating dynamic web forms using APL

The subject of this paper is "active" or "dynamic" web forms handled by Dyalog APL running on a web server. With "active" web forms, the HTML which specifies form controls is generated dynamically by a server program, in contrast to "static" web forms ...

Dyalog-APL application with threads on the basis of ActiveX data objects

This paper presents an implementation of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in multithreading Dyalog-APL applications providing high performance access to any data source. The suggested approach is based upon an OLEClient object of Dyalog-APL that provides an ...

Communication between PC and mainframe via TCP/IP using APL

There is a growing demand to be able to process data, maintained within large mainframe databases, using Windows based workstations, thus making communication between workstation and mainframe necessary. The availability of the APL language on both ...

Avoiding the pitfalls of corporate intranets

This paper describes some typical problems experienced in corporate intranets and introduces a way to use XML in order to overcome these problems.A Dyalog APL implementation for intranet maintenance is used to illustrate how APL and XML work together.

Noun phrase chunking with APL2

The identification of phrases in a sentence can be useful as a pre-processing step before attempting the full parsing. There is already much literature about finding simple non-recursive non-overlapping Noun Phrases. We have modified the learning ...

Houses, windows and DOHR's: (descriptive object of high rank)

Anyone who buys a house can appreciate the complexity of a mortgage. Mortgage analysis requires not only significant computations, but also vast quantities of input and output. The interface between APL and Windows can provide a link between the input ...

SPARROW-a speech and knowledge based architecture for a workplace

An architecture is presented, which for complex office-systems makes use of speech-processing as well as various methods from artificial intelligence in order to increase the acceptance of such systems. Support can only be useful if it is twofold: the ...

GrAPL: a high-level statistical graphics language prototype

The work of statisticians and data analysts requires the fitting of a wide range of statistical models that attempt to explore relationships between variables. Before doing these computations, it is routine to produce exploratory graphs in order to ...

High-level object oriented programming with array technology

Although classical object-oriented programming languages provide high-level modeling capacities (abstract data type, inheritance etc.), they remain low-level relative to data manipulation. Addressing this problem with object oriented programming ...

APL Based medical image analysis

Ophthalmology (eye care) is an important medical discipline. Since 1961 the representation of the ocular vascular system using fluorescence dyes has been one of the most important methods used in the diagnosis of diseases of the human eye. The recently ...

An APL ompiler

Even if APL is the best-suited programming language for multi-dimensional data, nowadays computer applications additionally require complex graphical user interfaces, internet and database access. Combining software written in C, C++ or Java with ...

An integrated APL2 solution for population screening and control

When dealing with preventive medicine involving entire population strata, the wide class of problems encountered requires powerful and highly sophisticated data management support tools. In this paper an example is given of how APL2 offers an ideal ...

A knowledge discovery method: APL implementation and application

The paper concentrates on one direction of Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases and Data Mining, known as automatic rule extraction from data sets.The rule extraction algorithm has been implemented in Dyalog APL. The paper presents APL functions and tests ...

Redistribution of totals through hierarchical data: an application of Benkard's distributed round

The early days of APL are full of examples of spreadsheet-style applications which allow the user to maintain aggregated values and quickly redistribute the changes across base data. Generally these use a simple pro-rata approach which always leads to ...

Spoken-word direction of computer program synthesis

Prototype software is being designed to orchestrate speech-directed synthesis of customizable computer programs. The problems encountered are considered from a perspective that assumes the notation, syntax and function structure of APL. Program ...

An interface between Java and APL

This paper discusses an interface between the Java and APL languages. It is in the form of a report on some technology that has been developed for SHARP APL, though there are no aspects of the technology that are particularly special to that dialect of ...

