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A multi-agent system for computer science education
In this paper, we present a multi-agent system for supporting student-centered, self-paced, and highly interactive learning in undergraduate computer science education. The system is based on a hybrid problem-based and case-based learning model, for ...
Lecturelets: web based Java enabled lectures
The traditional lecture has, for a long time, been subject to significant criticisms regarding its learning effectiveness. Despite this it remains popular and several attempts have been made to transport aspects of its format to the Web. Many of these ...
Dynamically generating problems on static scope
Solving problems is an integral part of learning in Computer Science. In order to provide students with a vast supply of problems with which to practice, we propose to use applets that automatically generate problems. In this paper, we first discuss the ...
Teaching computer networking using open source software
For the past seven years we have taught a subject entitled Network Software and Management (NSM) for both computer science and electrical engineering students. We discuss the evolution of this subject syllabus in response to the changing requirements of ...
Structuring the student research experience
The benefits of working in a research group are clear: students develop domain expertise, gain an understanding and appreciation of the research process and its practice, and acquire team, communication, problem-solving, and higher-level thinking ...
The anthropology semaphores
This paper describes research into the conceptions of students studying concurrency, using qualitative methods that originated in anthropological field work. We were able to obtain a deep understanding of students' mental models of semaphores: they ...
Does it help to have some programming experience before beginning a computing degree program?
There is an intuitive perception that students with prior programming experience have an initial advantage in an introductory programming course, but that this advantage may decrease over the duration of the course if the style of programming is ...
A worldwide, web-based study of the attitudes of college freshmen toward computing
We propose to initiate a worldwide survey of colleges and universities to re-evaluate attitudes of students toward computing courses. In 1985, a study of college freshmen was conducted to determine their attitudes toward introductory computer science ...
Elucidate: a tool to aid comprehension of concurrent object oriented execution
The adoption of concurrent programming techniques into mainstream system development has brought with it a problem in software comprehension. Stepping through the code is no longer adequate to ensure a student's understanding of how a concurrent program ...
The ANIMAL algorithm animation tool
In this paper, we present Animal, a new tool for developing animations to be used in lectures. Animal offers a small but powerful set of graphical operators. Animations are generated using a visual editor, by scripting or via API calls. All animations ...
Making the connection: programming with animated small world
In learning to program, students must gain an understanding of how their program works. They need to make a connection between what they have written and what the program actually does. Otherwise, students have trouble figuring out what went wrong when ...
Teaching object-orientation with the Object Visualization and Annotation Language (OVAL)
Object-oriented techniques and technologies are omnipresent in all branches of modern software development and systems design. Still today there is an enormous demand for training in the area of object-oriented analysis, design and programming.Several ...
Teaching tools for software engineering education
This paper examines a set of teaching tools in the Software Engineering Practice course at Monash University. Analyzing various aspects of the course and student survey response to their value provides evaluation of the overall success of the tools. The ...
Teams need a process!
This paper begins with a discussion of the importance of software development and the problems encountered by those trying to work effectively on software project teams. It is argued that for students to be effective in working on teams they need the ...
Systems analysis with attitude!
Have you ever been overruled by your students in critical decisions relating to their learning? Have you ever attended your own classes as a guest consultant with pre-defined scope of input? Have you ever suffered from the fact that each student is ...
Enter the usability engineer: integrating HCI and software engineering
This paper examines the role of Human Computer Interaction in the context of the Computer Science and Software Engineering curricula. We suggest there needs to be much more integration between Computer Science and HCI. We believe this can be brought ...
A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management
A collection of tools for creation of advanced and comprehensive course home pages is presented. The tools cover the spectrum from course overview pages and hypertext teaching materials to interactive services that support the teaching activities during ...
Instructional instruments for Web group learning systems: the grouping, intervention, and strategy
Owing to the lack of face-to-face interactions, students using a web-based learning system are likely to study alone and with relatively little classmate support and pressure. Teachers in a web-based learning system may apply the group-learning model to ...
Interactive packages for learning image compression algorithms
This paper introduces three interactive packages for learning image compression algorithms. The first two packages, RLE and Quadtree, animate bitmap image compression algorithms, and the third package, JPEG, is a tutorial about the Joint Photographic ...
Colorful examples for elaborating exploration of regularities in high-school CS1
Exploration of regularities is a key element in problem analysis - the primary stage of algorithm design. The recognition of regularities during problem analysis elicits underlying principles of the design. While university teachers are well aware of ...
Combating the code warrior: a different sort of programming instruction
Many CS101 courses purport to teach object-oriented programming, but many seem to be directly translated from traditional structured programming courses. Lynn Andrea Stein's "Rethinking CS101" program at MIT offers a radically different approach to ...
Making students read and review code
The Praktomat system allows students to read, review, and assess each other's programs in order to improve quality and style. After a successful submission, the student can retrieve and review a program of some fellow student selected by Praktomat. ...
Students seen flocking in programming assignments
Programming assignments are typically constructed with great precision, in order to ensure that students traverse the important content areas in the unit. This paper makes a case for an "ill-defined", large programming task by presenting experiences ...
Team projects in distance education: a case in HCI design
Until recently it was difficult to incorporate team projects in distance education. Nowadays, however, new technology is available which allows for distance teamwork. In this paper we will describe a project-oriented course on human-computer ...
The Internet-based lecture: converging teaching and technology
Network-based distributed education is a reality today. At George Mason University, we have been pursuing a capability beyond the widespread practice of supporting courses with webpages: delivering lectures and seminars in real time, over the Internet. ...
Distance tutorials in a systems design course
An experiment with distance technology in a second-year Object-Oriented Systems Design course is described. Video and computer conferencing were used in tutorial sessions where a teacher and a student group developed and discussed solutions (both ...
A generic model for on-line learning
We describe a generic model for on-line learning which has been used to develop a course unit in Computer Science, and to evaluate a course unit in Economics.The model may be used to produce a template for on-line learning resources. Alternatively a ...
Apprenticeship learning of software engineering using Webworlds
There is an increasing use of the World Wide Web in the teaching of topics in computer science. Many examples involving animation have been reported and other modeling environments (or 'Webworlds'), such as diagramming tools, are emerging. The software ...
Integrating interactive computer-based learning experiences into established curricula: a case study
Educators who wish to integrate interactive computer-based learning experiences into established courses must contend not only with the difficulty of creating quality digital content but with the often equally difficult challenge of reconfiguring their ...