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Volume 18, Issue 3July 1984
Reflects downloads up to 04 Oct 2024Bibliometrics
Plants, fractals, and formal languages

Although fractal models of natural phenomena have received much attention recently, there are other models of complex natural objects which have been around longer in Computer Imagery but are not widely known. These are procedural models of plants and ...

Simulation of natural scenes using textured quadric surfaces

Because of the high complexity of the real world, realistic simulation of natural scenes is very costly in computation. The topographical subtlety of common natural features such as trees and clouds remains a stumbling block to cost-effective computer ...

Seminal Paper
Seminal Paper
Global and local deformations of solid primitives

New hierarchical solid modeling operations are developed, which simulate twisting, bending, tapering, or similar transformations of geometric objects. The chief result is that the normal vector of an arbitrarily deformed smooth surface can be calculated ...

Computer-integrated manufacturing in Japan (Panel)

Recent progress in Japanese computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) includes the integration of computer graphics, database management systems, local area networks, robotics and software engineering technology. This panel will discuss advanced CAD, CAM ...

Interpolating splines with local tension, continuity, and bias control

This paper presents a new method for using cubic interpolating splines in a key frame animation system. Three control parameters allow the animator to change the tension, continuity, and bias of the splines. Each of these three parameters can be used ...

Efficient octree conversion by connectivity labeling

We present an algorithm for converting from the boundary representation of a solid to the corresponding octree model. The algorithm utilizes an efficient new connected components labeling technique. A novelty of the method is the demonstration that all ...

Automatic synthesis of graphical object descriptions

A technique is presented for automatically synthesizing graphical object descriptions from high-level specifications. The technique includes mechanisms for describing, selecting, and combining primitive elements of object descriptions. Underlying these ...

Computing in the fast lane (Panel): Supersystems for computer graphics

The fast generation of complex synthetic images by digital computing systems requires immense computational resources, which can be provided by several means.

Supercomputers, flight simulators and special purpose image synthesis architectures will be ...

A retrospective (Panel): Six perennial issues in computer graphics

Graphics has been an industry for more than 15 years. Some workers trace its origins almost )0 years. The dramatic gains in silicon technology along with more highly developed understanding of the mathematics of graphics have transformed the ...

A parallel processor system for three-dimensional color graphics

This paper describes the hardware architecture and the employed algorithm of a parallel processor system for three-dimensional color graphics. The design goal of the system is to generate realistic images of three-dimensional environments on a raster-...

Chap - a SIMD graphics processor

Special purpose processing systems designed for specific applications can provide extremely high performance at moderate cost. One such processor is presented for executing graphics and image processing algorithms as the basis of a digital film printer. ...

A hardware stochastic interpolator for raster displays

Stochastic modeling has found uses so far mainly for expensive very realistic graphics display. The cost of rendering is not intrinsic to the technique, but mainly due to the high resolution and the sophisticated display techniques which accompany it. ...

International technology transfer (Panel)

For the past two and one half decades, USA suppliers have generally dominated the computer graphics marketplace, providing an estimated 90 percent of computer graphics shipments worldwide. In the past few years, however, a number of non-USA sources have ...

Invisibility coherence for faster scan-line hidden surface algorithms

Invisibility coherence is a new technique developed to decrease the time necessary to render shaded images by existing scan-line hidden surface algorithms. Invisibility coherence is a technique for removing portions of a scene that are not likely to be ...

The A -buffer, an antialiased hidden surface method

The A-buffer (anti-aliased, area-averaged, accumulation buffer) is a general hidden surface mechanism suited to medium scale virtual memory computers. It resolves visibility among an arbitrary collection of opaque, transparent, and intersecting ...

An analytic visible surface algorithm for independent pixel processing

An algorithm is presented that solves the visible surface problem at each pixel independently. This allows motion blur and depth of field blurring to be integrated into the algorithm. It also allows parallel processing. The algorithm works on large ...

International market opportunities (Panel)

The Panel will discuss the subject of entering foreign markets with the objective of increasing company revenues. The first panelist will discuss the general benefits of international trade and the potential for the computer graphics industry. Foreign ...

Beam tracing polygonal objects

Ray tracing has produced some of the most realistic computer generated pictures to date. They contain surface texturing, local shading, shadows, reflections and refractions. The major disadvantage of ray tracing results from its point-sampling approach. ...

Ray tracing with cones

A new approach to ray tracing is introduced. The definition of a “ray” is extended into a cone by including information on the spread angle and the virtual origin. The advantages of this approach, which tries to model light propagation with more ...

Seminal Paper
Seminal Paper
Distributed ray tracing

Ray tracing is one of the most elegant techniques in computer graphics. Many phenomena that are difficult or impossible with other techniques are simple with ray tracing, including shadows, reflections, and refracted light. Ray directions, however, ...

Trends in semiconductor hardware for graphics systems (Panel)

During the next 5 - 10 years, text and graphic systems will tend to merge because of the demand for a more productive man/machine interface, failing memory costs and the availability of higher performance VLSI controllers. This panel will discuss video ...

An adaptive subdivision algorithm and parallel architecture for realistic image synthesis

An algorithm for computing ray traced pictures is presented, which adaptively subdivides scenes into S subregions, each with roughly uniform load. It can yield speedups of O(S2/3) over the standard algorithm.

This algorithm can be mapped onto a parallel ...

Ray tracing of Steiner patches

Steiner patches are triangular surface patches for which the Cartesian coordinates of points on the patch are defined parametrically by quadratic polynomial functions of two variables. It has recently been shown that it is possible to express a Steiner ...

Ray tracing volume densities

This paper presents new algorithms to trace objects represented by densities within a volume grid, e.g. clouds, fog, flames, dust, particle systems. We develop the light scattering equations, discuss previous methods of solution, and present a new ...

Microcomputer graphics (Panel)

Ranging from home computers for entertainment and education to personal work-stations for design and presentation, microprocessor hardware spans the entire spectrum of graphic applications. Through live demonstrations of the latest and most popular ...

A system for algorithm animation

A software environment is described which provides facilities at a variety of levels for “animating” algorithms: exposing properties of programs by displaying multiple dynamic views of the program and associated data structures. The system is ...

Priority windows: A device independent, vector oriented approach

Priority windows are a basic tool for interactive graphics, underlying such techniques as pop-up menus and single screen viewing and control of multiple contexts. Most implementations of priority windows are raster oriented, frequently relying on ...

Manipulating simulated objects with real-world gestures using a force and position sensitive screen

A flexible interface to computing environments can be provided by gestural input. We describe a prototype system that recognizes some types of single-finger gestures and uses these gestures to manipulate displayed objects. An experimental gesture input ...

Computer graphics in commercial and broadcast production (Panel)

The goal of this panel is to acquaint the listener with what is perhaps the most visible area of computer graphics - the use of animation in television and motion pictures

Creating animation for commercial use is subject to many factors outside of the ...

Summed-area tables for texture mapping

Texture-map computations can be made tractable through use of precalculated tables which allow computational costs independent of the texture density. The first example of this technique, the “mip” map, uses a set of tables containing successively lower-...

