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The cyclomatic number and the normal number of programs
The cyclomatic number of a program = flow graph = flow diagram = program scheme is its number of tests, without any respect to the existence or non-existence of loops. The normal number of a program is the (minimal) number of loops in a normal form of ...
On expressing control and data structures in predicate logic language ALGOL M
We define a procedural semantics for a many sorted predicate logic on many sorted models with generators. Then we express in Predicate Logic <u>do forever, do until, do while, for thru, do unless, call, resume</u> and <u>demon</u> control constructs. ...
The Intel Fortran-80 compiler for the 8080 and 8085 microprocessors
Fortran-80 is the name of Intel's dialect of Fortran as well as the compiler which implements it for the 8080 and 8085 microprocessors.The Fortran-80 language is a superset of the new ANS Fortran 77 Subset language, incorporates many of the features of ...