Newsletter Downloads
Object-oriented cohesion subjectivity amongst experienced and novice developers: an empirical study
The concept of software cohesion in both the procedural and object-oriented paradigm is well known and documented. What is not so well known or documented is the perception of what empirically constitutes a cohesive 'unit' by software engineers. In this ...
Approaches to aspect oriented design: a study
There is a need to study various approaches in the use of object-oriented design patterns and aspect oriented design approach in enterprise systems for architecture and its implementation. The development of aspect oriented requirements gathering ...
An evaluation of Boolean expression testing techniques
Increase in the size and complexity of the software developed has made software testing a challenging exercise. A number of testing techniques are available but they differ in terms of statement coverage, condition coverage and particularly in fault ...
Improved cognitive information complexity measure: a metric that establishes program comprehension effort
Understanding the software system is known as program comprehension and is a cognitive process. This cognitive process is the driving force behind creation of software that is easier to understand i.e. has lower cognitive complexity, because essentially ...
A practical extension to the VORD model
This paper describes an extension to the VORD model and attempts to resolve its lack of direct support for viewpoint interaction. Supporting the viewpoint interaction provides a useful tool for analyzing requirements changes and automating systems. It ...
Roller coaster
Sometimes, debugging reminds me of a sine wave, you know, the 5 stages of grief, followed by the 5 stages of the fix. Today is a 7-out-of-10-green-lights-on-the-way-to-work kind of day. I'm feeling fine, not great, not bad, just cruising along, when my ...
Surfing the net for software engineering notes
I mention many different free open source software (FOSS) products in this column in conjunction with the topics I select each month. This month, instead of focusing on a single topic, I thought I'd present a collection of some of the most popular free ...
Risks to the public
Edited by Peter G. Neumann (Risks Forum Moderator and Chairman of the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy), plus personal contributions by others, as indicated. Opinions expresses are individual rather than organizational, and all of the usual ...
3rd Intl. ICSE workshop on software engineering for automotive systems
This workshop summary outlines the main results of the one-day International Workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems [5], held in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'06). In the sequel, a ...
Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems - SELMAS 2006: workshop report
- Alessandro Garcia,
- Holger Giese,
- Alexander Romanovsky,
- Ricardo Choren,
- Ho-fung Leung,
- Carlos Lucena,
- Florian Klein,
- Eric Platon
This paper is intended to sum up the results of the 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS 2006) held in Shanghai, China, May 22-23, 2006, as part of the 28th International Conference on Software ...
First workshop on sharing and reusing architectural knowledge
The first SHARK (SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge) workshop, attempted to explore the state of the art as well as the state of the practice in this emerging field. This workshop report presents the themes of the workshop, it summarizes the ...
Report on the International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering (IW-SOSE06)
This paper presents a report of the International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering colocated with ICSE2006. In particular, we shortly present the papers that have been accepted for publication in the workshop proceedings, the keynote ...
5th Intl. Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models - Algorithms - and Tools (SCESM)
SCESM'06 was the 5th International Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms and Tools. It was a one day ICSE'06 workshop taking place on May 27, 2006. Details about SCESM'06 may be found at
Architectural knowledge discovery: why and how?
The need for a method for architectural knowledge discovery stems from the difficulty to find relevant architectural knowledge in the documentation that accompanies a software product. This difficulty arises in particular when the document set is very ...
Design decision rationale: experiences and steps ahead towards systematic use
Design decisions crucially influence the success of every software project. While the resulting design is typically documented quite well, the situation is usually different for the underlying rationale and decision-making process. Despite being ...
Tailoring knowledge sharing to the architecting process
Sharing knowledge pertaining to software architectures becomes increasingly important. If this knowledge is not explicitly stored or communicated, valuable knowledge dissipates. However, knowledge sharing is challenged by the fact that stakeholders are ...
A web-based tool for managing architectural design decisions
Software architectures represent the design for describing the main parts of a software system. In software projects, different stakeholders with different roles may need to share the documentation generated during the project. Also, during the ...
Using variability modeling principles to capture architectural knowledge
In the field of software architectures, there is an emerging awareness of the importance of architectural decisions. In this view, the architecting process is explained as a decision process, while the design and eventually the software system are seen ...
Driving and managing architectural decisions with aspects
Software architects face decisions every day which have a broadly-scoped impact on the software architecture. These decisions are the core of the architecting process as they typically have implications in a multitude of architectural elements and ...