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Section A: Algorithms, automata, complexity and games
Improved characters distance sampling for online and offline text searching

Sampled string matching is a very effective technique to reduce the search time for a pattern within a text at the cost of a small amount of additional memory, used for storing a partial index of the text. This approach has recently received ...


  • We extend the Character Distance Sampling approach to the case of small alphabets by making use of condensed alphabets.
  • We propose a way for constructing a sampled version of the suffix array to speed-up offline searching.
  • Our ...

Hardness and approximation of multiple sequence alignment with column score

Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA for short) is a well known problem in the field of computational biology. In order to evaluate the quality of a solution, many different scoring functions have been introduced, the most widely used being the Sum-...


  • We present the first complexity investigation on the column score optimization criterion for Multiple Sequence Alignment.
  • Optimizing MSA under the Column Score is shown NP-hard for alphabets of size ≥2, and the associated maximization ...

A generalization of properly colored paths and cycles in edge-colored graphs

A properly colored walk, is a walk where every two consecutive edges have different colors, including the first and last edges in the case when the walk is closed. Properly colored walks have shown to be an effective way to model certain real ...

Distance problems within Helly graphs and k-Helly graphs

The ball hypergraph of a graph G is the family of balls of all possible centers and radii in G. Balls in a subfamily are k-wise intersecting if the intersection of any k balls in the subfamily is always nonempty. The Helly number of a ball ...

Recognizing DAGs with page-number 2 is NP-complete

The page-number of a directed acyclic graph (a DAG, for short) is the minimum k for which the DAG has a topological order and a k-coloring of its edges such that no two edges of the same color cross, i.e., have alternating endpoints along the ...

Section C: Theory of natural computing
Tight bounds on sensitivity and block sensitivity of some classes of transitive functions

Nisan and Szegedy [18] conjectured that block sensitivity is at most polynomial in sensitivity for any Boolean function. Until a recent breakthrough of Huang [15], the conjecture had been wide open in the general case, and was proved only for a ...


  • The sensitivity conjecture of Nisan and Szegedy, recently proved by Huang, shows that several important complexity measures are polynomially related to each other.
  • The exact relationship between sensitivity and block sensitivity ...

Rapid left expansivity, a commonality between Wolfram's Rule 30 and powers of p/q

We define the class of rapidly left expansive cellular automata, which contains Wolfram's Rule 30, fractional multiplication automata, and many others. Previous results on aperiodicity of columns in space-time diagrams of certain cellular ...

Stagnation detection meets fast mutation

Two mechanisms have recently been proposed that can significantly speed up finding distant improving solutions via mutation, namely using a random mutation rate drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution (“fast mutation”, Doerr et al. (2017) [2]) and ...
