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Enhancing Reputation via Price Discounts in E-Commerce Systems: A Data-Driven Approach
Reputation systems have become an indispensable component of modern E-commerce systems, as they help buyers make informed decisions in choosing trustworthy sellers. To attract buyers and increase the transaction volume, sellers need to earn reasonably ...
G-RoI: Automatic Region-of-Interest Detection Driven by Geotagged Social Media Data
Geotagged data gathered from social media can be used to discover interesting locations visited by users called Places-of-Interest (PoIs). Since a PoI is generally identified by the geographical coordinates of a single point, it is hard to match it with ...
Fast, Accurate, and Flexible Algorithms for Dense Subtensor Mining
Given a large-scale and high-order tensor, how can we detect dense subtensors in it? Can we spot them in near-linear time but with quality guarantees? Extensive previous work has shown that dense subtensors, as well as dense subgraphs, indicate ...
Prioritized Relationship Analysis in Heterogeneous Information Networks
An increasing number of applications are modeled and analyzed in network form, where nodes represent entities of interest and edges represent interactions or relationships between entities. Commonly, such relationship analysis tools assume homogeneity ...
Will Triadic Closure Strengthen Ties in Social Networks?
The social triad—a group of three people—is one of the simplest and most fundamental social groups. Extensive network and social theories have been developed to understand its structure, such as triadic closure and social balance. Over the course of a ...
Large-Scale Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization with Memo-Free Distributed Variational Inference
Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (BPMF) is a powerful model in many dyadic data prediction problems, especially the applications of Recommender system. However, its poor scalability has limited its wide applications on massive data. Based on ...
Multi-View Low-Rank Analysis with Applications to Outlier Detection
Detecting outliers or anomalies is a fundamental problem in various machine learning and data mining applications. Conventional outlier detection algorithms are mainly designed for single-view data. Nowadays, data can be easily collected from multiple ...
ProgressER: Adaptive Progressive Approach to Relational Entity Resolution
Entity resolution (ER) is the process of identifying which entities in a dataset refer to the same real-world object. In relational ER, the dataset consists of multiple entity-sets and relationships among them. Such relationships cause the resolution of ...
Twitter Geolocation: A Hybrid Approach
Geotagging Twitter messages is an important tool for event detection and enrichment. Despite the availability of both social media content and user network information, these two features are generally utilized separately in the methodology. In this ...
Tied Kronecker Product Graph Models to Capture Variance in Network Populations
Much of the past work on mining and modeling networks has focused on understanding the observed properties of single example graphs. However, in many real-life applications it is important to characterize the structure of populations of graphs. In this ...
Function-on-Function Regression with Mode-Sparsity Regularization
Functional data is ubiquitous in many domains, such as healthcare, social media, manufacturing process, sensor networks, and so on. The goal of function-on-function regression is to build a mapping from functional predictors to functional response. In ...
Continuous-Time User Modeling in Presence of Badges: A Probabilistic Approach
User modeling plays an important role in delivering customized web services to the users and improving their engagement. However, most user models in the literature do not explicitly consider the temporal behavior of users. More recently, continuous-...
Mining Event-Oriented Topics in Microblog Stream with Unsupervised Multi-View Hierarchical Embedding
This article presents an unsupervised multi-view hierarchical embedding (UMHE) framework to sufficiently reveal the intrinsic topical knowledge in social events. Event-oriented topics are highly related to such events as it can provide explicit ...