Obstructions to Return Preservation for Episturmian Morphisms
This paper studies obstructions to preservation of return sets by episturmian morphisms. We show, by way of an explicit construction, that infinitely many obstructions exist. This generalizes and improves an earlier result about Sturmian ...
2-Balanced Sequences Coding Rectangle Exchange Transformation
We define a new class of ternary sequences that are 2-balanced. These sequences are obtained by colouring of Sturmian sequences. We show that the class contains sequences of any given letter frequencies. We provide an upper bound on factor and ...
On the Solution Sets of Three-Variable Word Equations
It is known that the set of solutions of any constant-free three-variable word equation can be represented using parametric words, and the number of numerical parameters and the level of nesting in these parametric words is at most logarithmic ...
Jumping Automata over Infinite Words
Jumping automata are finite automata that read their input in a non-consecutive manner, disregarding the order of the letters in the word. We introduce and study jumping automata over infinite words. Unlike the setting of finite words, which has ...
String Attractors of Some Simple-Parry Automatic Sequences
Firstly studied by Kempa and Prezza in 2018 as the unifying idea behind text compression algorithms, string attractors have become a compelling object of theoretical research within the community of combinatorics on words. In this context, they ...
Automatic Abelian Complexities of Parikh-Collinear Fixed Points
Parikh-collinear morphisms have the property that all the Parikh vectors of the images of letters are collinear, i.e., the associated adjacency matrix has rank 1. In the conference DLT–WORDS 2023 we showed that fixed points of Parikh-collinear ...