Boolean Circuit Complexity and Two-Dimensional Cover Problems
We reduce the problem of proving deterministic and nondeterministic Boolean circuit size lower bounds to the analysis of certain two-dimensional combinatorial cover problems. This is obtained by combining results of Razborov (1989), Karchmer (1993), and ...
Derandomization via symmetric polytopes: Poly-time factorization of certain sparse polynomials
More than three decades ago, after a series of results, Kaltofen and Trager (J. Symb. Comput. 1990) designed a randomized polynomial time algorithm for factorization of multivariate circuits. Derandomizing this algorithm, even for restricted circuit ...
Lower bounds for learning quantum states with single-copy measurements
We study the problems of quantum tomography and shadow tomography using measurements performed on individual, identical copies of an unknown d-dimensional state. We first revisit known lower bounds [23] on quantum tomography with accuracy ϵ in trace ...
Some Results on Approximability of Minimum Sum Vertex Cover
We study the Minimum Sum Vertex Cover problem, which asks for an ordering of vertices in a graph that minimizes the total cover time of edges. In particular, n vertices of the graph are visited according to an ordering, and for each edge this induces the ...
Maximum-utility popular matchings with bounded instability
In a graph where vertices have preferences over their neighbors, a matching is called popular if it does not lose a head-to-head election against any other matching when the vertices vote between the matchings. Popular matchings can be seen as an ...
Parameterized covering in semi-ladder-free hypergraphs
In this article, we study the parameterized complexity of the Set Cover problem restricted to semi-ladder-free hypergraphs, a class defined by Fabianski et al. [Proceedings of STACS 2019]. We observe that two algorithms introduced by Langerman and Morin [...