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Clustering-based incremental web crawling
When crawling resources, for example, number of machines, crawl-time, and so on, are limited, so a crawler has to decide an optimal order in which to crawl and recrawl Web pages. Ideally, crawlers should request only those Web pages that have changed ...
PageRank without hyperlinks: Structural reranking using links induced by language models
The ad hoc retrieval task is to find documents in a corpus that are relevant to a query. Inspired by the PageRank and HITS (hubs and authorities) algorithms for Web search, we propose a structural reranking approach to ad-hoc retrieval that applies to ...
An information-theoretic framework for semantic-multimedia retrieval
This article is set in the context of searching text and image repositories by keyword. We develop a unified probabilistic framework for text, image, and combined text and image retrieval that is based on the detection of keywords (concepts) using ...
A similarity measure for indefinite rankings
Ranked lists are encountered in research and daily life and it is often of interest to compare these lists even when they are incomplete or have only some members in common. An example is document rankings returned for the same query by different search ...
The task-dependent effect of tags and ratings on social media access
Recently, online social networks have emerged that allow people to share their multimedia files, retrieve interesting content, and discover like-minded people. These systems often provide the possibility to annotate the content with tags and ratings.
Mining near-duplicate graph for cluster-based reranking of web video search results
Recently, video search reranking has been an effective mechanism to improve the initial text-based ranking list by incorporating visual consistency among the result videos. While existing methods attempt to rerank all the individual result videos, they ...