An interval constraint system for lattice domains
We present a generic framework for defining and solving interval constraints on any set of domains (finite or infinite) that are lattices. The approach is based on the use of a single form of constraint similar to that of an indexical used by CLP for ...
Send-receive considered harmful: Myths and realities of message passing
During the software crisis of the 1960s, Dijkstra's famous thesis "goto considered harmful" paved the way for structured programming. This short communication suggests that many current difficulties of parallel programming based on message passing are ...
Access control for mobile agents: The calculus of boxed ambients
Boxed Ambients are a variant of Mobile Ambients that result from dropping the open capability and introducing new primitives for ambient communication. The new model of communication is faithful to the principles of distribution and location-awareness ...
Synthesis of fault-tolerant concurrent programs
Methods for mechanically synthesizing concurrent programs from temporal logic specifications obviate the need to manually construct a program and compose a proof of its correctness. A serious drawback of extant synthesis methods, however, is that they ...
On exponential-time completeness of the circularity problem for attribute grammars
Attribute grammars (AGs) are a formal technique for defining semantics of programming languages. Existing complexity proofs on the circularity problem of AGs are based on automata theory, such as writing pushdown acceptor and alternating Turing ...
Offline partial evaluation can be as accurate as online partial evaluation
We show that the accuracy of online partial evaluation, or polyvariant specialization based on constant propagation, can be simulated by offline partial evaluation using a maximally polyvariant binding-time analysis. We point out that, while their ...