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- ArticleJune 1997
Am embedded system case study: the firm ware development environment for a multimedia audio processor
- Clifford Liem,
- Marco Cornero,
- Miguel Santana,
- Pierre Paulin,
- Ahmed Jerraya,
- Jean-Marc Gentit,
- Jean Lopez,
- Xavier Figari,
- Laurent Bergher
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 780–785https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266373This paper outlines a case study at SGS-Thomson Microelectronicson the development of a firmware development environment in co-operationwith Thomson Consumer Electronics Components. Theenviornment is for an embedded processor used for audiodecompression ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Hardware/software co-simulation in a VHDL-based test bench approach
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 774–779https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266371Novel test bench techniques are required to cope with afunctional test complexity which is predicted to grow muchmore strongly than design complexity. Our test benchapproach attacks this complexity by using a stronghierarchical architecture, application ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Computer-aided design of free-space opto-electronic systems
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 768–773https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266369This paper presents a system capable of static and dynamic simulationsof heterogeneous opto-electronic systems. It is capable ofmodeling Gaussian optical signal propagation with mechanicaltolerancing at the system level. We present results which ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Cluster refinement for block placement
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 762–765https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266366We propose an iterative optimization approach for mixedmacro-cell and standard-cell placement, which minimizes the chipsize and interconnection wire length at the same time. We present abranch-and-bound algorithm which efficiently searches for the ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Unification of budgeting and placement
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 758–761https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266364In this paper we present a novel formulation for thenet-based timing-driven placement problem.The new formulationperforms budgeting (net delay upper bounds) andplacement modification simultaneously thus alleviates theproblem of going back-and-forth ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Quadratic placement revisited
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 752–757https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266362The "quadratic placement" methodology is rooted in [Module Placement Based on Resistive Network Optimization, Proud: A Sea-Of-Gate Placement Algorithm, A Combined Force and Cut Algorithm for Hierarchical VLSI Layout]and is reputedly used in many ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Algorithms for large-scale flat placement
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 746–751https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266360This is a survey on the algorithms which are part ofa program for flat placement of large-scale VLSI processorchips. The basis is a quadratic optimization approachcombined with a new quadrisection algorithm.In contrast to most previous quadratic ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Toward formalizing a validation methodology using simulation coverage
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 740–745https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266359The biggest obstacle in the formal verification of large designs istheir very large state spaces, which cannot be handled even bytechniques such as implicit state space traversal. The only viablesolution in most cases is validation by functional ...
- ArticleJune 1997
An efficient assertion checker for combinational properties
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 734–739https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266357Formally verifying properties of signals in a circuit hasseveral applications in an equivalence checking based formalverification flow.In a hierarchical design, functionalityis divided across blocks.This necessitates the useof constraints on input ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Disjunctive partitioning and partial iterative squaring: an effective approach for symbolic traversal of large circuits
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 728–733https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266355Extending the applicability of reachability analysis to large andreal circuits is a key issue.In fact they are still limited forthe following reasons: peak BDD size during image computation,BDD explosion for representing state sets and very ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Designing high performance CMOS microprocessors using full custom techniques
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 722–727https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266353In this paper, we describe a full customCMOS design methodology and supporting CADtechnologies used to develop ALPHA and StrongARMmicroprocessors at Digital Semiconductor. The paper issubdivided into four parts, starting with a description ofthe design ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Nosie and signal integrity in deep submicron design (panel)
- William E. Guthrie,
- Massaud Pedram,
- Wayne Dai,
- Rakesh Chadha,
- Jason Cong,
- Charlie Xiaoli Huang,
- Anirudh Devgan,
- Tom Mozdzen,
- Andreq Yang
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 720–721https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266352Sub-half-micron process technologies are creating a fundamentalshift in the problems faced by IC designers andfabricators.As geometries shrink, signal integrity (SI)and noise play a critical role in determining IC performance.Without accurate ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Chip parasitic extraction and signal integrity verification (extended abstract)
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 717–719https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266351In was projected by the National TechnologyRoadmap for Semiconductors that by the year 1998 thefeature size will shrink to 0.25μm and the chips maycontain as many as 28 million transistors.As the widthof wires shrinks, resistance increases more rapidly ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Hardware/software partitioning and pipelining
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 713–716https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266349For a given throughput constrained system-level specification,we present a design flow and an algorithm to select software(general purpose processors) and hardware components,and then partition and pipeline the specification amongstthe selected ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Data-flow assisted behavioral partitioning for embedded systems
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 709–712https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266347In this paper we present a novel compiler-directed approach tosystem-level partitioning for a given description of system functionalityin a hardware description language (HDL). The algorithmis based on a definition-use analysis of the storage in the ...
- ArticleJune 1997
COSYN: hardware-software co-synthesis of embedded systems
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 703–708https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266341Hardware-software co-synthesis is the process ofpartitioning an embedded system specification into hardware andsoftware modules to meet performance, power and cost goals. Inthis paper, we present a co-synthesis algorithm which starts withperiodic task ...
- ArticleJune 1997
System-level synthesis of low-power hard real-time systems
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 697–702https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266325We present a system-level approach for power optimization undera set of user specified costs and timing constraints of hard real-timedesigns. The approach optimizes all three degrees of freedom forpower minimization, namely switching activity, effective ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Algorithms for coupled domain MEMS simulation
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 686–690https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266321The performance of micro-electro-mechanical systemsdepends on the interaction between electrical, mechanical,and fluidic forces. Simulating this coupled problem is made moredifficult by the fact that most MEMS devices are innately three-dimensionaland ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Structured design of microelectromechanical systems
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 680–685https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266320In order to efficiently design complex microelectromechanicalsystems (MEMS) having large numbers of multi-domain components,a hierarchically structured design approach that iscompatible with standard IC design is needed. A graphical-basedschematic, or ...
- ArticleJune 1997
Overview of microelectromechanical systems and design processes
DAC '97: Proceedings of the 34th annual Design Automation ConferencePages 670–673https://doi.org/10.1145/266021.266316New design tools and automation strategies are neededto create robust, cost-effective, and manufacturable micro-machineddevices and systems. Some of the design automationissues include mixed-technology simulation, materialproperty prediction in the ...