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- ArticleDecember 2001
Panel: simulation optimization: future of simulation optimization
The combination of simulation and optimization, essentially unheard of in practice a decade ago, is much more accessible today, thanks in large part to the development of commercial optimization software designed for use with existing simulation ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Using Monte Carlo simulation to assess the value of combination vaccines for pediatric immunization
Research by vaccine manufacturers has resulted in the development of new vaccines that protect against a number of diseases. This has created a dilemma for how to introduce such new vaccines into an already crowded Recommended Childhood Immunization ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Healthcare II: multi-objective simulation optimization for a cancer treatment center
This paper presents a case study application of a cancer treatment center facility. A simulation model was created and integrated to a multi-objective optimization heuristic developed by the authors with the purpose of finding the best combination of ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Complex and interconnected systems: optimistic parallel simulation of a large-scale view storage system
In this paper we present the design and implementation of a complex view storage system model that is suitable for execution on a optimistic parallel simulation engine. What is unique over other optimistic systems is that reverse computation as opposed ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Experiences parallelizing a commercial network simulator
Most current approaches of parallel simulation focus on building new parallel simulation engines that require the development of new models and software. An alternate, emerging approach is to extend sequential simulators to execute on parallel ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
On improving the performance of simulation-based algorithms for average reward processes with application to network pricing
We address performance issues associated with simulation-based algorithms for optimizing Markov reward processes. Specifically, we are concerned with algorithms that exploit the regenerative structure of the process in estimating the gradient of the ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Fluid simulation: discrete event fluid modeling of TCP
The bulk of Internet traffic is carried using variants of the TCP protocol. A realistic simulation-based performance study of any distributed application run over the Internet (e.g. reliable multicast) must therefore account for the impact that TCP ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Fluid model for window-based congestion control mechanism
We study the stability of two queueing delay-based congestion control algorithms, the (p, 1)-proportionally fair algorithm and the global optimization algorithm. We linearize the systems around the intended operating point and show that these algorithms ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Deterministic fluid models of congestion control in high-speed networks
Congestion control algorithms, such as TCP or the closely-related additive increase-multiplicative decrease algorithms, are extremely difficult to simulate on a large scale. The reasons for this include the complexity of the actual implementation of the ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Dispatching heuristic for wafer fabrication
As the semiconductor industry moves into the next millennium, companies increasingly will be faced with production obstacles that impede their ability to remain competitive. Effective equipment and line management planning will increasingly be required ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Scheduling and dispatching: scheduling batch processing machines in complex job shops
This paper considers a complex job shop problem with reentrant flow and batch processing machines. A modified shifting bottleneck heuristic (MSB) is considered for generating machine schedules to minimize the total weighted tardiness. We observe that ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Simulation-based solution of load-balancing problems in the photolithography area of a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility
In this paper we present the results of a simulation study for the solution of load-balancing problems in a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility. In the bottleneck area of photolithography the steppers form several different subgroups. These ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
How "overstaffing" at bottleneck machines can unleash extra capacity
Using simulation, Headway Technologies predicted that increasing staffing among a group of already lightly loaded machine operators---"overstaffing"---would significantly improve throughput of its factory. This was counterintuitive since the operators ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Bottleneck equipment management: simulating test program methods in semiconductor assembly test factories
Significant opportunities for improvement in semiconductor Assembly/Test (A/T) manufacturing reside in the Test areas. These Test areas can very often be the system constraint, due to complex testing policies, bin-to-order mapping, and cost. A very ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Supply chain process design toolkit (SCPDT)
A characteristic that will distinguish successful manufacturing enterprises of the next millennium is agility: the ability to respond quickly, proactively, and aggressively to unpredictable change. The use of extended virtual enterprise Supply Chains (...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Supply chain applications I: designing the support logistics for the FAA ACE-IDS system
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is beginning to field the Automated Surface Observing System Controller Equipment --- Information Display System (ACE-IDS) and required a study on the service logistics for the system. The ACE-IDS is a ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Simulation of a night taxi-bus service for the historical center of Rome
The Municipality of Rome plans to introduce a taxi-bus system as a night service. A micro-simulation model was developed to estimate the needed information. Two major topics regarding this model are presented. First, the iteration process for input ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Simone: large scale train network simulations
This paper describes the architecture and potentials of Simone. Simone is a simulation environment to generate, simulate and analyze complex and large scale train networks. The purpose of Simone is to (1) assess the robustness of timetables; (2) ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Railroad applications: the use of simulation to calculate the labor requirements in an intermodal rail terminal
An intermodal rail terminal is a facility where the transfer of cargo occurs between truck and rail. The operations within these terminals involve many resources and operating rules. The ability of a terminal to respond to activity peaks that occur as a ...
- ArticleDecember 2001
Airline and airport applications: simulation optimization of airline delay with constraints
Air traffic delay is a growing and expensive problem. We investigated ways to reduce the cost and magnitude of such delays by trading gate delays against more expensive air delays. Air management and planning at this level can be facilitated by ...