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- research-articleJuly 2018
Evaluation of Docker Containers for Scientific Workloads in the Cloud
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 11, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229280The HPC community is actively researching and evaluating tools to support execution of scientific applications in cloud-based environments. Among the various technologies, containers have recently gained importance as they have significantly better ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Django Content Management System Evaluation and Integration with Apache Airavata
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 86, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229272Apache Airavata is an open-source software framework that enables scientific researchers to compose, manage, execute and monitor large-scale applications and workflows on distributed computing resources. Airavata is currently leveraged by many science ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Apache Airavata Resource Allocation System: A Tool for Allocating Resources in Science Gateways
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 78, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229271Science Gateways provide user environments and a set of supporting services that help researchers make effective and enhanced use of a diverse set of computing, storage, and related resources. In a software framework like Airavata, the distributed ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Evaluating NextCloud as a File Storage for Apache Airavata
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 87, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229270Science gateways enable researchers from broad communities to access advanced computing and storage resources. The researchers analyze large amounts of data using the compute resources and the generated results, usually files are saved in the storage. ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Science Gateway Implementation at the University of South Dakota: Applications in Research and Education
- Joseph D. Madison,
- Eroma Abeysinghe,
- Sudhakar Pamidighantam,
- Suresh Marru,
- Marcus Christie,
- Douglas M. Jennewein,
- Marlon Pierce
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 97, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229265Science Gateways are virtual environments that accelerate scientific discovery by enabling scientific communities to more easily and effectively utilize distributed computing and data resources. Successful Science Gateways provide access to sophisticated ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Automated synchronization and boundary condition application for the Cactus Framework
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 81, Pages 1–3https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229256The Einstein Toolkit (ETK) is an open-source software platform for computational simulations in relativistic astrophysics and gravitational physics. The Cactus Framework (Cactus) comprises the core component of the ETK and handles creation of distributed ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Simplifying Access to Campus Resources at Southern Illinois University with a Science Gateway
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 98, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229252Not all the researchers are comfortable in using High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems. Southern Illinois University's Office of Information Technology (OIT) Research Computing assists our researchers to get on these systems and use them for their ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
The CSBG - LSU Gateway: Web based Hosted Gateway for Computational System Biology Application Tools from Louisiana State University
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 100, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229245Science gateways are identified as an effective way to publish and distribute software for research communities without the burden of learning HPC (High Performance Computer) systems. In the past, researchers were expected to have in-depth knowledge ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
PHASTA Science Gateway for High Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 94, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229243The Parallel Hierarchic Adaptive Stabilized Transient Analysis (PHASTA) software supports modeling compressible or incompressible, laminar or turbulent, steady or unsteady flows in 3D using unstructured grids. PHASTA has been applied to industrial and ...
- extended-abstractJuly 2018
Using a Science Gateway to Deliver SimVascular Software as a Service for Classroom Instruction
- Nathan M. Wilson,
- Suresh Marru,
- Eroma Abeysinghe,
- Marcus A. Christie,
- Gabriel D. Maher,
- Adam R. Updegrove,
- Marlon Pierce,
- Alison L. Marsden
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 102, Pages 1–4https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3229242SimVascular (http://www.simvascular.org) is open source software enabling users to construct image-based, patient-specific anatomic models and perform realistic blood flow simulation useful in disease research, medical device design, and surgical ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Analyzing the Human Connectome Project Datasets using GPUs: The Anatomy of a Science Engagement
- John-Paul Robinson,
- Thomas Anthony,
- Ravi Tripathi,
- Sara A. Sims,
- Kristina M. Visscher,
- Purushotham V. Bangalore
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 1, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219163This paper documents the experience improving the performance of a data processing workflow for analysis of the Human Connectome Project's HCP900 data set. It describes how network and compute bottlenecks were discovered and resolved during the course of ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Jupyter as Common Technology Platform for Interactive HPC Services
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 17, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219162The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute has implemented Jupyterhub and the Jupyter notebook server as a general-purpose point-of-entry to interactive high performance computing services. This mode of operation runs counter to traditional job-oriented HPC ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Seamless Utilization of Heterogeneous XSede Resources to Accelerate Processing of a High Value Functional Neuroimaging Dataset
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 49, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219161We describe the technical effort used to process a voluminous high value human neuroimaging dataset on the Open Science Grid with opportunistic use of idle HPC resources to boost computing capacity more than 5-fold. With minimal software development ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
A Computational Notebook Approach to Large-scale Text Analysis: Balancing Accessibility with Scalability
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 35, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219153Large-scale text analysis algorithms are important to many fields as they interrogate reams of textual data to extract evidence, correlations, and trends not readily discoverable by a human reader. Unfortunately, there is often an expertise mismatch ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Supporting distributed, interactive Jupyter and RStudio in a scheduled HPC environment with Spark using Open OnDemand
- Jeremy W. Nicklas,
- Doug Johnson,
- Shameema Oottikkal,
- Eric Franz,
- Brian McMichael,
- Alan Chalker,
- David E. Hudak
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 26, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219149Open OnDemand supports Interactive HPC web applications enabling the interactive and distributed environments for Jupyter and RStudio running on an HPC cluster. These web applications provide a simple user-interface for building and submitting the batch ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
High Performance Photogrammetry for Academic Research
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 45, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219148Photogrammetry is the process of computationally extracting a three-dimensional surface model from a set of two-dimensional photographs of an object or environment. It is used to build models of everything from terrains to statues to ancient artifacts. ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Continuous Integration and Delivery for HPC: Using Singularity and Jenkins
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 6, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219147Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment (CICD) is widely used in DevOps communities, as it allows for teams of all sizes to deploy rapidly-changing hardware and software resources quickly and confidently. In this paper, we will describe how ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Container solutions for HPC Systems: A Case Study of Using Shifter on Blue Waters
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 43, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219145Software container solutions have revolutionized application development approaches by enabling lightweight platform abstractions within the so-called "containers." Several solutions are being actively developed in attempts to bring the benefits of ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
The Neuroscience Gateway: Enabling Large Scale Modeling and Data Processing in Neuroscience
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 52, Pages 1–7https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219139The NSF funded Neuroscience Gateway (NSG) has been in operation since the early 2013. We originally designed NSG to reduce technical and administrative barriers that exist to using high performance computing resources for computational neuroscientists. ...
- research-articleJuly 2018
Mentoring Undergraduates into Cyber-Facilitator Roles
- Stephen Lien Harrell,
- Marisa Brazil,
- Alex Younts,
- Daniel T. Dietz,
- Preston Smith,
- Erik Gough,
- Xiao Zhu,
- Gladys K. Andino
PEARC '18: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing: Seamless CreativityArticle No.: 70, Pages 1–7https://doi.org/10.1145/3219104.3219138There is a shortage of training programs for research cyber-facilitators and the need is only growing, especially in academia. This paper will discuss the importance of developing a workforce at the undergraduate level, creating a formal program for ...