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Oracle Solaris 11.1 Administration: Security Services     Oracle Solaris 11.1 Information Library
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Part I Security Overview

1.  Security Services (Overview)

Part II System, File, and Device Security

2.  Managing Machine Security (Overview)

3.  Controlling Access to Systems (Tasks)

4.  Virus Scanning Service (Tasks)

5.  Controlling Access to Devices (Tasks)

6.  Verifying File Integrity by Using BART (Tasks)

7.  Controlling Access to Files (Tasks)

Part III Roles, Rights Profiles, and Privileges

8.  Using Roles and Privileges (Overview)

9.  Using Role-Based Access Control (Tasks)

10.  Security Attributes in Oracle Solaris (Reference)

Part IV Cryptographic Services

11.  Cryptographic Framework (Overview)

12.  Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)

13.  Key Management Framework

Part V Authentication Services and Secure Communication

14.  Using Pluggable Authentication Modules

15.  Using Secure Shell

16.  Secure Shell (Reference)

17.  Using Simple Authentication and Security Layer

18.  Network Services Authentication (Tasks)

Part VI Kerberos Service

19.  Introduction to the Kerberos Service

20.  Planning for the Kerberos Service

21.  Configuring the Kerberos Service (Tasks)

22.  Kerberos Error Messages and Troubleshooting

23.  Administering Kerberos Principals and Policies (Tasks)

24.  Using Kerberos Applications (Tasks)

25.  The Kerberos Service (Reference)

Part VII Auditing in Oracle Solaris

26.  Auditing (Overview)

27.  Planning for Auditing

28.  Managing Auditing (Tasks)

29.  Auditing (Reference)



Numbers and Symbols


























-U option, allocate command, index iconDevice Allocation Commands
addresses, index iconip port Token
port forwarding and, index iconHow to Configure Port Forwarding in Secure Shell
Secure Shell and, index iconHow to Configure Port Forwarding in Secure Shell
using for remote audit logs, index iconAudit Logs
umask value
and file creation, index iconDefault umask Value
typical values, index iconDefault umask Value
umount command, with security attributes, index iconHow to Authorize Users to Allocate a Device
uninstalling, cryptographic providers, index iconHow to Prevent the Use of a User-Level Mechanism
UNIX file permissions, See files, permissions
unmounting, allocated devices, index iconHow to Deallocate a Device
update_drv command, description, index iconDevice Policy Commands
URL for online help, Graphical Kerberos Tool, index iconOnline Help URL in the Graphical Kerberos Administration Tool
use_authid option, SASL and, index iconSASL Options
use of authorization audit token, index iconuse of authorization Token
use of privilege audit token, index iconuse of privilege Token
UseOpenSSLEngine keyword
Secure Shell
index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
UsePrivilegedPort keyword, Secure Shell, index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
user accounts
See also users
changing root password, index iconHow to Change the root Password
displaying login status
index iconHow to Display a User's Login Status
index iconHow to Display a User's Login Status
user_attr database
index iconRBAC Databases
index iconuser_attr Database
listing user exceptions to audit preselection, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
user_attr file, exceptions to system-wide audit classes, index iconAudit Classes and Preselection
user audit token, index iconuser Token
user classes of files, index iconFile and Directory Ownership
user database (RBAC), See user_attr database
user ID
audit ID and
index iconWhat Is Auditing?
index iconProcess Audit Characteristics
in NFS services, index iconHow to Create a Credential Table
user ID numbers (UIDs), special accounts and, index iconSpecial System Accounts
User keyword, ssh_config file, index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
user principal, description, index iconKerberos Principals
user procedures
adding plugins to KMF, index iconHow to Manage Third-Party Plugins in KMF
allocating devices, index iconManaging Device Allocation (Tasks)
assuming a role, index iconHow to Assume a Role
chkey command, index iconHow to Set Up a Diffie-Hellman Key for an NIS User
computing digest of a file, index iconHow to Compute a Digest of a File
computing MAC of a file, index iconHow to Compute a MAC of a File
creating self-signed certificate, index iconHow to Create a Certificate by Using the pktool gencert Command
decrypting files, index iconHow to Encrypt and Decrypt a File
encrypting files, index iconProtecting Files With the Cryptographic Framework (Task Map)
encrypting NIS user's private key, index iconHow to Set Up a Diffie-Hellman Key for an NIS User
exporting certificates, index iconHow to Export a Certificate and Private Key in PKCS #12 Format
generating a symmetric key
using the pktool command, index iconHow to Generate a Symmetric Key by Using the pktool Command
generating passphrase for keystore, index iconHow to Generate a Passphrase by Using the pktool setpin Command
importing certificates, index iconHow to Import a Certificate Into Your Keystore
protecting files, index iconProtecting Files With UNIX Permissions (Task Map)
using an assigned role, index iconHow to Assume a Role
using pktool command, index iconUsing the Key Management Framework (Task Map)
using Secure Shell, index iconUsing Secure Shell (Task Map)
user rights management, See privileges
User Security rights profile, modifying audit preselection for users, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
useradd command, description, index iconCommands That Manage RBAC
userattr command
description, index iconCommands That Manage RBAC
displaying exceptions to system-wide auditing, index iconHow to Display Audit Service Defaults
userdel command, description, index iconCommands That Manage RBAC
UserKnownHostsFile keyword, ssh_config file, index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
UserKnownHostsFile2 keyword, See UserKnownHostsFile keyword
usermod command
audit_flags keyword, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
usermod command
changing user's RBAC properties, index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a User
description, index iconCommands That Manage RBAC
exceptions to system-wide auditing, index iconAudit Classes and Preselection
usermod command
specifying user exceptions to audit preselection, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
using caret (^) prefix for audit_flags exception, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
usermod command
using to assign role, index iconHow to Assign a Role
allocating devices, index iconHow to Allocate a Device
assigning allocate authorization to, index iconHow to Authorize Users to Allocate a Device
assigning privileges to, index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a User
assigning RBAC defaults, index iconpolicy.conf File
assigning rights profiles, index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a User
auditing all of their commands, index iconHow to Audit All Commands by Users
auditing individual users, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
authenticating to rights profile
index iconHow to Reorder Assigned Security Attributes
index iconHow to Enable a User to Use Own Password to Assume a Role
authenticating to role
index iconHow to Reorder Assigned Security Attributes
index iconHow to Enable a User to Use Own Password to Assume a Role
basic privilege set, index iconHow Privileges Are Implemented
computing digest of files, index iconHow to Compute a Digest of a File
computing MAC of files, index iconHow to Compute a MAC of a File
creating rights profile for a group, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
creating root user, index iconHow to Change the root Role Into a User
deallocating devices, index iconHow to Deallocate a Device
determining directly assigned privileges, index iconHow to Determine the Privileges That You Have Been Directly Assigned
determining own privileged commands, index iconHow to Determine the Privileged Commands That You Can Run
disabling login, index iconHow to Temporarily Disable User Logins
displaying login status, index iconHow to Display a User's Login Status
encrypting files, index iconHow to Encrypt and Decrypt a File
exceptions to Secure Shell defaults, index iconHow to Create User and Host Exceptions to Secure Shell Defaults
generating a symmetric key, index iconHow to Generate a Symmetric Key by Using the pktool Command
having no passwords, index iconHow to Display Users Without Passwords
initial inheritable privileges, index iconHow Privileges Are Implemented
modifying audit preselection mask of, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
modifying properties (RBAC), index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a User
mounting allocated devices, index iconHow to Mount an Allocated Device
removing audit flags, index iconHow to Configure a User's Audit Characteristics
troubleshooting running privileged commands, index iconHow to Determine the Privileged Commands That You Can Run
unmounting allocated devices, index iconHow to Deallocate a Device
using rights profile
index iconHow to Reorder Assigned Security Attributes
index iconHow to Enable a User to Use Own Password to Assume a Role
UseRsh keyword, ssh_config file, index iconKeywords in Secure Shell
allocate command, index iconHow to Allocate a Device
BART, index iconUsing BART (Tasks)
cryptoadm command, index iconAdministering the Cryptographic Framework (Tasks)
deallocate command, index iconHow to Deallocate a Device
default RBAC configuration task map, index iconViewing and Using RBAC Defaults (Task Map)
device allocation, index iconHow to Allocate a Device
digest command, index iconHow to Compute a Digest of a File
encrypt command, index iconHow to Encrypt and Decrypt a File
file permissions, index iconProtecting Files (Tasks)
mac command, index iconHow to Compute a MAC of a File
new password algorithm, index iconHow to Specify an Algorithm for Password Encryption
pktool command
index iconHow to Generate a Symmetric Key by Using the pktool Command
index iconHow to Generate a Key Pair by Using the pktool genkeypair Command
ppriv command
index iconHow to Determine the Privileges on a Process
index iconHow to Determine the Privileges on a Process
privileges task map, index iconUsing Privileges (Tasks)
RBAC defaults, index iconViewing and Using RBAC Defaults (Tasks)
RBAC task map, index iconUsing RBAC (Tasks)
rolemod command, index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a Role
Secure Shell task map, index iconUsing Secure Shell (Task Map)
ssh-add command, index iconHow to Reduce Password Prompts in Secure Shell
ssh-agent daemon, index iconHow to Reduce Password Prompts in Secure Shell
truss command, index iconHow to Determine Which Privileges a Program Requires
umount command, index iconHow to Deallocate a Device
usermod command, index iconHow to Change the Security Attributes of a User
Using the Key Management Framework (Task Map), index iconUsing the Key Management Framework (Task Map)
/usr/bin/ftp command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/kdestroy command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/kinit command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/klist command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/kpasswd command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/ktutil command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/kvno command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/rcp command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/rlogin command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/rsh command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/scp command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/sftp command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/ssh command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/bin/telnet command, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/lib/inet/proftpd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/lib/kprop command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/lib/krb5/kadmind daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/lib/krb5/kpropd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/lib/krb5/krb5kdc daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/lib/krb5/ktkt_warnd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/lib/ library, overview, index iconSASL (Overview)
/usr/lib/ssh/sshd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/sbin/gkadmin command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/gsscred command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/in.rlogind daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/sbin/in.rshd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/sbin/in.telnetd daemon, Kerberos and, index iconKerberos Daemons
/usr/sbin/kadmin command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kadmin.local command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kclient command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kdb5_ldap_util command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kdb5_util command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kgcmgr command, description, index iconKerberos Commands
/usr/sbin/kproplog command, description, index iconKerberos Commands