Maximum entropy distributions serve as favorable models for commonsense reasoning based on probabilistic conditional knowledge bases. Computing these distributions requires solving high-dimensional convex optimization problems, especially if the conditionals are composed of first-order formulas. In this paper, we propose a highly optimized variant of generalized iterative scaling for computing maximum entropy distributions. As a novel feature, our improved algorithm is able to take probabilistic independencies into account that are established by the principle of maximum entropy. This allows for exploiting the logical information given by the knowledge base, represented as weighted conditional impact systems, in a very condensed way.
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- 1.
In this paper, predicate and variable names will always begin with an uppercase letter and constant names with a lowercase letter.
- 2.
Actually, the numbers of adjustment steps are smaller in both cases since we group (partial) possible worlds with the same conditional impact together (weighted conditional impacts) and filter out “impossible” worlds beforehand.
- 3.
We say that \(\mathcal {R}_1\) and \(\mathcal {R}_2\) share a ground atom \(A\in \mathcal {G}_\varSigma \) if there are \(r_1\in \mathcal {R}_1\) and \(r_2\in \mathcal {R}_2\) with ground instances \(r'_1\in \mathsf {Grnd}(r_1)\) and \(r'_2\in \mathsf {Grnd}(r_2)\) that both contain the ground atom A.
- 4.
Consider the bijection \(\beta :\varOmega _{\mathcal {G}_c}\rightarrow \varOmega _{\mathcal {G}_d}\) which simply replaces the constant c with the constant d whenever c occurs.
- 5.
This representation of \(\mathcal {P}^\mathsf {ME}_{\mathcal {R}}\) exists except for very rare pathological cases which can be circumvented by prescient knowledge engineering.
- 6.
More precisely, uniform marginals of the probability distribution are considered in order to avoid iterations over the whole probability distribution.
- 7.
Correctness here means that \(\alpha _0,\alpha _1,\ldots ,\alpha _m\) can be calculated with any precision if the loop in Step 4 is executed sufficiently often.
- 8.
Here, \(\varGamma \) is the set of all ordinary \(\mathsf {WCI}\)s with respect to the knowledge base \(\mathcal {R}\).
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This research was supported by the German National Science Foundation (DFG), Research Unit FOR 1513 on Hybrid Reasoning for Intelligent Systems.
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Proofs of Results
Proofs of Results
Proposition 1
Let \(\mathcal {R}\) be a consistent knowledge base, and let \(\{\mathcal {G}_1,\ldots ,\mathcal {G}_k\}\) be a syntax partition for \(\mathcal {R}\). For all \(\omega \in \varOmega \),
We give a proof for those cases in which the representation (5) of \(\mathcal {P}^\mathsf {ME}_\mathcal {R}\) exists. The normalizing constant can be written as \(\alpha _0=\sum _{\omega \in \varOmega }\prod _{i=1}^m \alpha _i^{f_i(\omega )}\) where \(f_{X}(C)\) abbreviates \((1-p_i)\cdot \mathsf {ver}_{X}(C)-p_i\cdot \mathsf {fal}_X(C)\) for any ground formula \(C\in \mathsf {FOL}\). Further, let \(\mathfrak {R}=\{R^1_G,\ldots ,R^k_G\}\) be a \(\{\mathcal {G}_1,\ldots ,\mathcal {G}_k\}\)-respecting decomposition of \(\mathcal {R}\) with \(R^j_G=\{R^j_1,\ldots ,R^j_n\}\) for \(j=1,\ldots ,k\). Then, \(\alpha _0=\prod _{j=1}^k \alpha _0^j\) holds where \(\alpha _0^j=\sum _{\omega _j\in \varOmega _{\mathcal {G}_j}}\prod _{i=1}^m \alpha _i^{f_i(\omega _j)}\). For \(\omega \in \varOmega \setminus \varOmega ^0\), it follows that
If \(\omega \in \varOmega ^0\), there is a deterministic conditional \(r=(B|A)[p]\in \mathcal {R}\) and an index \(l\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\) such that \(\mathsf {ver}_{\mathsf {Grnd}(r)}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_l})>0\) if \(p=0\) and \(\mathsf {fal}_{\mathsf {Grnd}(r)}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_l})>0\) if \(p=1\). As a consequence, every \(\omega '\) with \(\omega '\,{\models }\,\omega _{\mathcal {G}_l}\) is a null-world, and
as required. \(\square \)
Proposition 2
Let \(\mathcal {R}\) be a knowledge base, let \(\mathfrak {G}\) be a syntax partition for \(\mathcal {R}\), and let \(\mathfrak {R}\) be a \(\mathfrak {G}\)-respecting decomposition of \(\mathcal {R}\) as described above. If \(\omega \in \varOmega \) is not a null-world, then
If \(\omega \) is a null-world, then \({\varvec{\gamma }}_{\mathcal {R}^j_G}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_j})\) is undefined for at least one \(j\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\).
Let \(\omega \in \varOmega \setminus \varOmega ^0\). By definition, \(\varvec{\gamma }_{\mathcal {R}_\mathcal {G}}(\omega )=((\mathsf {ver}_i(\omega ),\mathsf {fal}_i(\omega )))_{i=1,\ldots ,m}\). Since \(\mathfrak {R}\) is a \(\mathfrak {G}\)-respecting decomposition of \(\mathcal {R}\), \(\mathsf {ver}_{i}(\omega )=\sum _{j=1}^k \mathsf {ver}_{R^j_i}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_j})\) as well as \(\mathsf {fal}_{i}(\omega )=\sum _{j=1}^k \mathsf {fal}_{R^j_i}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_j})\) hold for \(i=1,\ldots ,n\), and hence, in particular, this holds for \(i=1,\ldots ,m\) (since \(m\le n\)). By applying the definition of \(\varvec{\gamma }_{R^j_i}(\omega _{\mathcal {G}_j})\), the proposition follows. As syntax partitions also take deterministic conditionals into account, the statement concerning null-worlds follows immediately. \(\square \)
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Wilhelm, M., Kern-Isberner, G., Finthammer, M., Beierle, C. (2018). A Generalized Iterative Scaling Algorithm for Maximum Entropy Model Computations Respecting Probabilistic Independencies. In: Ferrarotti, F., Woltran, S. (eds) Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems. FoIKS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10833. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90050-6_21
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90050-6_21
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-90049-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-90050-6
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)