Random number generators (RNGs) are essential for cryptographic systems, and statistical tests are usually employed to assess the randomness of their outputs. As the most commonly used statistical test suite, the NIST SP 800-22 suite includes 15 test items, each of which contains two-level tests. For the test items based on the binomial distribution, we find that their second-level tests are flawed due to the inconsistency between the assessed distribution and the assumed one. That is, the sequence that passes the test could still have statistical flaws in the assessed aspect. For this reason, we propose Q-value as the metric for these second-level tests to replace the original P-value without any extra modification, and the first-level tests are kept unchanged. We provide the correctness proof of the proposed Q-value based second-level tests. We perform the theoretical analysis to demonstrate that the modification improves not only the detectability, but also the reliability. That is, the tested sequence that dissatisfies the randomness hypothesis has a higher probability to be rejected by the improved test, and the sequence that satisfies the hypothesis has a higher probability to pass it. The experimental results on several deterministic RNGs indicate that, the Q-value based method is able to detect some statistical flaws that the original SP 800-22 suite cannot realize under the same test parameters.
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1 Introduction
As essential primitives, random number generators (RNGs) are important for cryptographic systems. The security of many cryptographic schemes and protocols is built on the perfect randomness of RNG outputs. RNGs are classified into two types: pseudo/deterministic and true/non-deterministic random number generators (PRNGs and TRNGs, respectively). In general, TRNGs based on some random physical phenomenons, may be used directly as random bit sources or generate seeds for PRNGs, and PRNGs extend the seeds to produce deterministic long sequences.
For any type of RNG, statistical hypothesis tests have been widely employed to assess the quality of the RNG, which evaluate whether the output sequences fit with the given hypothesis (i.e., the sequence has perfect randomness) or not. In addition, statistical randomness tests are also used to evaluate the outputs of other cryptographic primitives such as hash functions and block ciphers, to preliminarily validate the indistinguishability of their outputs from random mapping. The commonly used statistical test suites, each of which is composed of a serial of test items, include Diehard [7] proposed by Marsaglia and SP 800-22 [11] standardized by US National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST).
The most commonly used NIST SP 800-22 test suite is composed of 15 test items, and provides comprehensive evaluation for different randomness aspects of assessed sequences. For example, the Frequency Test assesses the uniformity of the sequence, and the Runs Test assesses the transform frequency of 0’s and 1’s. In the beginning of the testing process, the whole bit sequence is divided into N blocks. In every test item, a test statistic value is computed for each data block. According to the assumed distribution of the test statistic value, 15 test items are divided into two types: binomial distribution based (binomial-based for short in this paper) and chi-square distribution based (chi-square based for short). Each test item uses its assumed distribution to compute the P-value, which roughly represents the probability that the block is random. A test item is considered to be passed when the computed P-value is larger than the significance level. Then, based on the computed N P-values for N blocks, each test item performs two-level tests: the first-level test and the second-level test, where passing the former is the premise to execute the latter. The second-level testing approach was found to increase the testing capability [9]. The first-level test focuses on the passing ratio of the N P-values, and the second-level test further focuses on the uniformity of the N P-values to assess whether the test statistic values follow the expected distribution, i.e., the standard normal distributionFootnote 1 or the chi-square distribution. In the remainder of this paper, the test statistic refers to the test statistic value that is assumed to follow the standard normal distribution in the binomial-based tests.
Related Work. Several papers on the NIST SP 800-22 test suite have been presented in literature. Among the test items, Kim et al. [6] analyzed the correctness of the Spectral Test and the Lemple-Ziv Test, and Hamano [4, 5] adjusted the distribution parameters for the Spectral Test and corrected the Overlapping Test. Sulak et al. [14] found that the P-values for short sequences (less than 512 bits) follow a specific discrete distribution, rather than the assumed uniform distribution for long sequences. Pareschi et al. [9] investigated the reliability of the second-level tests, and analyzed the sensitivity to the approximation errors introduced by the computation of P-values. Furthermore, as the sequence length is finite in practice and thus the set of possible statistic values is discrete, Pareschi et al. [10] provided the actual distributions of P-values for the Frequency Test, the Runs Test, and the Spectral Test, and evaluated the test errors for different testing methods based on P-values. In our preliminary work [15], we analyzed the correctness and the reliability of the second-level tests in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite.
Our Contribution. In this paper, we find that the P-values derived from the binomial-based tests are unqualified for the second-level tests of the NIST SP 800-22 suite, though they are proper to be used for the first-level tests. The P-values in the binomial-based tests are computed, using the absolute values of the test statistics. Therefore, the second-level tests on P-values do not exactly tell whether the test statistics follow the standard normal distribution or not, because we cannot learn from the P-values that the test statistics are positive or negative. In particular, even if P-values follow the uniform distribution on [0, 1], there still exists a non-ignorable probability that the test statistics are not aligned with the expected standard normal distribution; then, it fails to detect some imperfect random sequences.
We propose a new metric called Q-value in this paper,Footnote 2 for the second-level tests of the binomial-based tests (but not the chi-square based ones), to replace the original P-value without any extra modification. The Q-value is computed directly using the test statistics, rather than their absolute values. We prove that the uniformity of Q-values is equal to that the test statistics follow the standard normal distribution as expected. In the case that there exists some mean drifts of the assumed normal distribution, which is commonly caused by flawed generators, the Q-value based tests produce greater gaps than the P-value based ones under both the total variation distance (TVD) and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD), i.e., Q-value is more sensitive to detect such drifts. Therefore, for the binomial-based tests, our Q-value based second-level tests have greater testing capability than the P-value based ones.
Furthermore, inspired by [10], we investigate the actual distributions of P-values and Q-values with a finite block length, for the binomial-based tests. The comparison in the Frequency Test shows that the distribution of Q-value is more smooth, i.e., it is closer to the uniform distribution on [0, 1]. Hence, the Q-value based second-level tests are more reliable, i.e., our improvement also decreases the probability of erroneously identifying an ideal generator as not random.
Finally, we perform the improved statistical tests on the outputs of several PRNGs. The experimental results demonstrate that the Q-value based second-level tests are able to detect some statistical flaws that the original SP 800-22 suite cannot detect under the same test parameters.
Organization. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we introduce the two-level statistical tests included in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite. In Sect. 3, we state the problem in the second-level tests of binomial-based tests. In Sect. 4, we propose Q-value based second-level statistical tests, and investigate the detectability and the reliability. In Sect. 5, we apply the statistical tests on several popular PRNGs to validate the effectiveness. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Two-Level Statistical Tests in SP 800-22
2.1 Statistical Hypothesis Testing for Randomness
Hypothesis testing is a commonly used method to assess whether the tested data fit with the null hypothesis that is denoted as \(\mathcal {H}_0\). In the statistical hypothesis testing, a statistic value is chosen and used to determine whether \(\mathcal {H}_0\) should be accepted or rejected. Under the null hypothesis, the theoretical reference distribution of this statistic value is figured out by mathematical methods. From this reference distribution, a confidence interval is determined based on a preset confidence level \(\gamma \) (e.g., \(\gamma =0.99\)), i.e., the probability that the statistic values are inside the confidence interval is \(\gamma \).
The null hypothesis in statistical tests for randomness is that, the tested bit sequence is random. In the testing, the test statistic value is computed on the tested bit sequence, and then is compared to the bounds of the confidence interval. If the test statistic value lies outside the confidence interval, the null hypothesis that the sequence is random is rejected. Otherwise, \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is accepted.
A randomness test suite may contain a serial of test items, which evaluate different aspects of randomness. These test items produce different confidence intervals based on the same confidence level. Then, P-value is employed as a unified metric for different test items, which is calculated using the test statistic. For a randomness test item, a P-value is the probability that a perfect random number generator would have produced a sequence less random than the tested sequence [11]. More specifically, the P-value is computed as the probability of obtaining a statistic value S equal to or “more extreme” than the observed value \(S_{obs}\) of the tested sequence. According to the definition of “more extreme” cases, the tests are generally divided into two categories: one-sided tests and two-sided tests.
In the NIST SP 800-22 test suite, a test is considered to be two-sided when S is assumed to follow a normal distribution, and the P-value is computed as \(2\min \{\mathrm{Pr}(S>S_{obs}),\mathrm{Pr}(S<S_{obs})\}\). A test is considered to be one-sided when S is assumed to follow a chi-squared distribution, and the P-value is computed as \(\mathrm{Pr}(S>S_{obs})\). Figure 1 shows the computations of P-values based on the observed values for the one-sided and two-sided tests included in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite, where the shaped areas are the P-values.
Then the test is performed by comparing P-value with a significance level denoted as \(\alpha \), and \(\alpha =1-\gamma \) where \(\gamma \) is the confidence level. If P-value \(p <\alpha \),then \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is rejected and the tested sequence is considered to be non-random. If \(p \ge \alpha \), \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is accepted and the sequence is considered to be random. When \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is true and \(p <\alpha \), \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is erroneously rejected, which is called Type I Error. The probability of Type I Error is \(\alpha \). On the contrary, the fact that, \(p \ge \alpha \) when \(\mathcal {H}_0\) is false, is called Type II Error. The significance level recommended by NIST is \(\alpha = 0.01\).
2.2 Two-Level Tests
The current version of the NIST SP 800-22 test suite [11] is composed of 15 test items. According to the assumed distribution of the test statistic values, these test items are divided into two categories: the binomial-based (i.e., the two-sided tests) and the chi-square based (i.e., the one-sided tests). The Frequency (Monobit) Test, the Runs Test, the Spectral Test, Maurer’s “Universal Statistical” Test, and the Random Excursions Variant Test belong to the binomial-based tests, and the others are chi-square based.
In the testing process, according to the test parameters, the whole tested bit sequence is partitioned into N blocks, and each block contains n bits. For each test item, the hypothesis testing, where the null hypothesis is that the tested sequence is random, is executed for each data block, and then N P-values are obtained. Based on these P-values, the following two-level test is performed in each test item.
Count the number of the blocks whose P-values are equal or greater than \(\alpha \), and compute the passing ratio. If the ratio lies in the confidence interval defined as \(1-\alpha \pm 3\sqrt{\frac{(1-\alpha )\alpha }{N}}\), the first-level test is passed;
Divide the interval [0, 1] into K equal sub-intervals, and count each number of the P-values in each sub-interval. Perform a chi-square goodness-of-fit test on these K numbers with the assumed uniform distribution, yielding another P-value \(p_T\). If \(p_T\) is equal to or greater than another significance level \(\alpha _T\), the second-level test is considered to be passed. In the NIST SP 800-22 test suite, \(K=10\) and \(\alpha _T=0.0001\).
A test item is passed if the tested sequence passes the two-level test of this test item, and the SP 800-22 test suite is passed if all the 15 included test items are passed. The testing procedure is depicted in Fig. 2, where we use \(N=1000\) as an example. Note that, some test items are further composed of a serial of sub-items (such as the Non-Overlapping Template Test), and each sub-item can be treated as a separate test item that has its own P-values and \({p_T}\). In addition, for the Random Excursions and Random Excursions Variant Tests, the P-values are computed only if the tested sequence block meets specific criteria, so the number of available P-values may be less than N for the N sequence blocks. These details are omitted in Fig. 2 for simplicity.
2.3 Frequency Test
We take the Frequency Test as an example to explain the P-value computation in the binomial-based tests. The bit block with length n is denoted as \(\varepsilon = \{\varepsilon _1,\varepsilon _2,\ldots ,\varepsilon _n\}\in \{0,1\}^{n}\). Then \(S=\sum _{i=1}^n(2\varepsilon _i-1)\) is computed. Under the null hypothesis, S is assumed to follow a binomial distribution. As n is always very large, the limiting binomial distribution is approximated as a normal distribution. Hence, S is assumed to follow the normal distribution \(\mathcal {N}(u,\sigma ^2)\), where \(u=0\) and \(\sigma ^2=n\). The test statistic \(d=(S_{}-u)/\sigma \) follows \(\mathcal {N}(0,1)\). Then the P-value is computed using the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution \(\varPhi (\cdot )\) or the complementary error function \(\mathrm{erfc}(\cdot )\):
In all binomial-based tests, the same formula is used to compute P-values based on the test statistics, while each test item has a unique formula to compute the test statistic.
2.4 Spectral Test
The Spectral Test is also known as the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Test or the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Test. The purpose of this test is to detect periodic features (i.e., repetitive patterns that are near each other) in the tested sequence [11]. For tested sequence \(\varepsilon = \{\varepsilon _1,\varepsilon _2,\ldots ,\varepsilon _n\}\in \{0,1\}^{n}\), the observed value \(N_1\) is assumed to follow \(\mathcal {N}(u,\sigma ^2)\), where u is the expected number of frequency components that are beyond the \(95\,\%\) threshold \(T = \sqrt{(\ln \frac{1}{0.05})n}\). Then the test statistic d is computed as:
where \(u = 0.95n/2\), \(\sigma ^2=0.95\cdot 0.05\cdot n/c\), and \(c=4\) in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite.
3 Incompleteness of P-Value Based Second-Level Tests
In the binomial-based tests, the standard normal distribution should be used as the reference for the observed test statistics. However, we find that, when the computed P-values follow a uniform distribution, the test statistic values are aligned with the half-normal distribution Footnote 3, rather than the expected normal distribution. We prove this observation using the following Lemma 1 [3] and Theorem 1. To ensure the continuity of the statistic values’ CDF, we assume that the sequence block length n is large enough in this section.
Lemma 1
Let F be a continuous CDF on with inverse \(F^{-1}\) defined by
where \(\inf \) means the infimum. If Z is a uniform random variable on [0, 1], then \(F^{-1}(Z)\) has distribution function F. Also, if a random variable X has distribution function F, then F(X) is uniformly distributed on [0, 1].
The first statement follows after noting that for all ,
The second statement follows from the fact that for all \(0< z < 1\),
\(\square \)
Theorem 1
Let d be the test statistic in a binomial-based test, and let p be the P-value computed in the test. The following two statements are equivalent: (1) |d| follows the half-normal distribution, and (2) p is uniformly distributed on [0, 1].
Let Y be a random variable following the half-normal distribution, and let \(F_Y(\cdot )\) be the CDF of Y. On one hand, if |d| follows the half-normal distribution, \(F_{Y}(|d|)\) is a uniformly distributed variable on [0, 1] according to the second statement of Lemma 1. Since p is computed as \(1 - F_{Y}(|d|)\), p is also uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. On the other hand, if \(p=1- F_{Y}(|d|)\) is uniformly distributed on [0, 1], \(F_{Y}(|d|)\) also follows the uniform distribution on [0, 1]. According to the first statement of Lemma 1 (by replacing Z with \(F_{Y}(|d|)\)), \(F_{Y}^{-1}(F_{Y}(|d|))=|d|\), has the same CDF with Y, thus |d| follows the half-normal distribution. \(\square \)
Obviously, the condition that |d| follows the half-normal distribution is insufficient to deduce that d follows the normal distribution. Therefore, for the second-level tests of the binomial-based tests, checking the uniformity of P-values is unqualified to assess whether d satisfies the null hypothesis. Hence, the second-level tests in the binomial-based tests could fail to detect some imperfect random sequences or elaboratively constructed sequences.
Remark. As to the chi-square based tests in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite, we clarify that these tests do not have the mentioned problem. The chi-square based tests are one-sided, and their P-values are not computed from the absolute values of the test statistic values.
Biased “Random” Sequence Construction. Below we will construct a biased sequence, yet it passes the NIST SP 800-22 test suite with given test parameters.
Generate a random bit sequence with an appropriate length that passes the test suite. For example, use the Blum-Blum-Shub generator (BBS) [2] which is acknowledged as a good PRNG.
Perform the Frequency Test according to the test parameters n and N: calculate the test statistic value \(d_i\) of the ith block (\(i=1,...,N\)). For each i, if \(d_i\) is less than zero (i.e., 0’s are more than 1’s), perform a bitwise NOT (negation) on the sequence block; otherwise, keep the block unchanged.
The processed sequence is significantly biased, as the number of 1’s is larger than that of 0’s for each block after processing. However, the processed sequence still has a very high probability to pass the test suite due to the following reasons.
For the Frequency Test, the P-value for each block is unchanged since |d| remains unchanged.
For most test items, “0” and “1” have equal roles in the evaluation of randomness. For example, in the Block Frequency, Cumulative Sums, Runs, Spectral, Universal, Approximate Entropy, and Serial Tests, their P-values remain unchanged after processing.
The effectiveness of the construction is confirmed by the statistical testing for the original and processed BBS output sequences. The two test reports about the original and processed BBS outputs are presented in Appendix A. We emphasize that, the constructed sequence is elaborative, and changing the testing method (e.g., enlarging the block length adopted by the test) certainly can detect the bias. The goal of our construction is to demonstrate the incompleteness of the P-value based second-level test, rather than to construct a flawed sequence which can pass all the existing test methods. In practice, an undetectable flaw may occur in other manners more than the unbalance, or occur in the focused aspects of other binomial-based tests more than the Frequency Test.
4 Second-Level Tests Based on Q-Value
4.1 Q-Value
The bias in the constructed sequence above should be detected by the Frequency Test that assesses the balance of the tested sequence. In our construction experiment, as the P-value based second-level tests cannot assess the symmetry of the test statistics, the constructed sequence “bypasses” the Frequency Test, even the whole test suite. For this reason, we introduce Q-value to replace P-value in the second-level tests of the binomial-based tests, and Q-value is defined as
The relationship between p and q is
Referring to the proof of Theorem 1, we have Theorem 2 for Q-value.
Theorem 2
Let d be the test statistic in a binomial-based test, and let q be the Q-value computed in the test. The following two statements are equivalent: (1) d follows the standard normal distribution, and (2) q is uniformly distributed on [0, 1].
Checking the uniformity of Q-value is equal to assessing the distribution of d rather than |d|. Therefore, we propose the Q-value based second-level tests to replace the original second-level tests for the binomial-based tests. In the testing process, the modification is only using N Q-values rather than P-values to perform the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.
Different from P-value, Q-value is computed directly using the test statistics, rather than their absolute values. Hence, Q-value based tests are able to assess the symmetry (to zero) of the test statistics, and have greater testing capability. The constructed sequence in Sect. 3 cannot pass the Q-value based second-level test of the Frequency Test, because all the derived Q-values are not greater than 0.5.
4.2 Testing Capability on the Drift of Test Statistics
The second-level tests in the binomial-based tests are designed to assess the difference between the theoretical reference distribution (i.e., the standard normal distribution) and the observed distribution. In the practical testing on the output sequences of RNGs (rather than the elaboratively constructed sequences), we emphasize that both the P-value based and Q-value based tests can detect the statistical flaws when the observed distribution is quite different from the standard normal distribution. Hence, we focus on the case that the observed distribution is (or is similar to) a normal distribution, but the distribution parameters (such as the mean or the variance) drift from the ideal ones. Next, we compare the sensitivity to the drifts between the Q-value based test and the P-value based test.
Mean Drift. The mean drift is defined as the distance between the mean values of the theoretical distribution and the observed one. We assume that the test statistic d, which is computed by a formula on the tested data, follows the standard normal distribution. The mean drift with \(\mu \) for the test statistic is depicted in Fig. 3.
Either an error in the computation formula of d or the flawed data can cause a drift. For example, Kim el al. [6] improved the formula in the Spectral Test, which makes the the distribution of the calculated test statistics from good RNGs show better consistency with the theoretical reference distribution. The other case that, the tested data are flawed, is more common in the testing. Below we show the consequence if one uses a biased generator of a noticeable mean drift.
The statistical flaw on the frequency (i.e., the tested sequence is biased) is common for imperfect RNGs, especially for those TRNGs where the physical phenomenons are not ideal. We assume that the flawed generator outputs a biased sequence with 50.2 % 1’s. The generator is simulated by the R software [1], and the observed test statistics are computed with the parameters \(n=10^5\) and \(N=1000\). Due to the existence of the bias, the distribution of the observed test statistics has a mean drift from the expected standard normal distribution, as shown in Fig. 4. The histogram in Fig. 4 is plotted using the probability density values computed on the 1000 test statistics. The mean of the observed distribution drifts to 1.265. Knowing the inherent bias of the generator output sequence, one can optimize brute-force attacks to reduce the breaking complexity for cryptographic systems. Hence, it is important to detect the mean drift for the testing of RNGs.
KLD and TVD. We denote the probability distribution function (PDF) of the ideal test statistic d as f(x), and the PDF of |d| as g(x). When the mean of the observed test statistics \(d_{\mu }\) has a drift \(\mu \) (\(\mu \ne 0\)), the PDFs of \(d_{\mu }\) and \(|d_{\mu }|\) are represented as \(f_{\mu }(x)\) and \(g_{\mu }(x)\), respectively. If the deviation caused by \(\mu \) between f(x) and \(f_{\mu }(x)\) is larger than that between g(x) and \(g_{\mu }(x)\), we say that f(x) is more sensitive to the drift, and the statistical test based on f(x) has greater testing capability on detecting the drift.
We choose Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) and total variation distance (TVD) as the measurements of the sensitivity. For PDFs \(h_A(x)\) and \(h_B(x)\) of two continuous random variables A and B, the KLD between them is defined as
and the TVD between them is defined as
Roughly speaking, KLD represents the amount of information lost when \(h_B(x)\) is used to approximate \(h_A(x)\), and TVD represents the largest possible difference between the probabilities that the two variables A and B have the same value.
When d is assumed to follow the standard normal distribution, we get
Then, substituting f(x) and \(f_{\mu }(x)\) into Eq. (1), we get the KLD between f(x) and \(f_{\mu }(x)\), as shown in Eq. (3).
By noting that \(e^{-\frac{(x-\mu )^{2}}{2}}+e^{-\frac{(x+\mu )^{2}}{2}}\ge 2e^{-\frac{x^2+\mu ^2}{2}}\), we get the KLD between g(x) and \(g_{\mu }(x)\), which is strictly smaller than \(\mu ^{2}/{2}\), as shown in Eq. (4).
By observing that \(e^{-\frac{x^{2}}{2}}\) and \(e^{-\frac{(x-\mu )^{2}}{2}}\) are symmetrical to \(x=0\) and \(x=\mu \), respectively, we compare the result between \(\delta (f(x),f_{\mu }(x))\) and \(\delta (g(x),g_{\mu }(x))\), as shown in Eq. (5).
From Eqs. (3)–(5), we deduce \(D_{\mathrm {KL}}(f(x)\Vert f_{\mu }(x)) > D_{\mathrm {KL}}(g(x)\Vert g_{\mu }(x))\) and \(\delta (f(x),f_{\mu }(x)) > \delta (g(x),g_{\mu }(x))\).
The KLD and TVD results with \(\mu =0.5\) on the normal distribution f(x) and the half-normal distribution g(x) are also depicted in Fig. 5, where the distances represent the integral parts in Eqs. (1) and (2). We can see that the change caused by \(\mu \) in the normal distribution is larger than that in the half-normal distribution, which means that the test based on the normal distribution is more sensitive to the drift. Thus, we conclude that Q-value based second-level tests are more powerful than the P-value based ones to detect the mean drift of the test statistics.
Regarding to the drift of the variance, we note that the testing capability of the two testing methods are identical, as their KLDs (or TVDs) are equal.
4.3 Testing Reliability Analysis Based on Actual Distribution
An asymptotic distribution refers to the limiting distribution when n approaches infinity. The asymptotic distribution of P-value is the uniform distribution on [0, 1]. However, in the practical cases that n is finite, the number of possible P-values is limited, i.e., the set of P-values is discrete. This fact makes the actual distribution of P-value is not a perfect uniform distribution on [0, 1]. When the number of blocks N is very large, the inconsistency is revealed and the observed P-values do not follow the assumed uniform distribution, which makes these P-values fail the chi-square test in the second-level test. This decreases the reliability of the statistical tests, i.e., increases the probability of erroneously identifying an ideal generator as not random.
In order to investigate the reliability of the Q-value based second level tests, we deduce the actual distributions of Q-values for the binomial-based tests, and compare them with those of P-values. The actual distributions of P-values for the binomial-based tests have been analyzed in [10]. The actual distribution of Q-value is closer to the assumed uniform distribution, meaning that the Q-value based test has a lower probability that a sequence with perfect randomness fails the test, i.e., higher reliability.
Actual Distribution. As we mentioned in Sect. 2.3, each binomial-based test computes its normally distributed value \(S\sim \mathcal {N}(u,\sigma ^2)\). For an n-bit sequence block, the number of possible values of S is denoted as m. The possible values are increasingly ordered as \(\mathcal {S}=\{s_{1},s_{2},...,s_{m}\}\), i.e., \(s_{i-1}<s_{i}\) for \(i=2,\ldots ,m\). Note that the variables \(u,\sigma ,m\) depend on the specific test item, such as the Frequency, Runs, Spectral, Universal, and Random Excursions Variant Tests. As our goal is to provide a general conclusion for the binomial-based tests, we do not consider the specific values of these variables.
For simplicity, we consider a common situation that m is odd and \(\mathcal {S}\) is symmetrical with respect to u. For each \(s_i\), P-value \(p_{i} = \mathrm{erfc}(\frac{|s_{i}-u|}{\sqrt{2}\sigma })\), and Q-value \(q_{i} = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{erfc}(\frac{s_{i}-u}{\sqrt{2}\sigma })\). The sets of possible P-values and possible Q-values are denoted as \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {Q}\), respectively. According to the symmetry of S, it is observed that \(p_{i} = p_{m+1-i}\) and \(q_{i}+q_{m+1-i}=1\), thus the cardinality \(|\mathcal {P}|=m/2+1\) and \(|\mathcal {Q}|=m\).
The actual CDFs of P-value and Q-value are represented as:
Using the property \(p_{i}=p_{m+1-i}\), \(F_{p}'(x)\) is rewritten as:
In fact, these two CDFs are both stepladder-like functions. We compare the number, height, and width of the steps between \(F_{p}'(x)\) and \( F_{q}'(x)\). Note that \(|\mathcal {Q}|\) is almost as twice as \(|\mathcal {P}|\), so the number of steps in \(F_{q}'(x)\) is approximately as twice as that in \(F_{p}'(x)\). The coefficient of the step function in \(F_{p}'(x)\) is as twice as that in \(F_{q}'(x)\), so the maximum width and height of the step in \(F_{p}'(x)\) are also as twice as those in \(F_{q}'(x)\). Therefore, the actual distribution of Q-values is more smooth, and is closer to the uniform distribution than that of P-values.
It should be noted that we assume \(\mathcal {S}\) is symmetrical with respect to u, the mean of the asymptotic distribution. The assumption is appropriate for the Frequency Test; however, in other binomial-based tests, there may be a little deviation between u and the mean of S. We leave the study on this case as our future work.
Actual Distribution in the Frequency Test. We take the Frequency Test as an example to demonstrate the difference between the distributions of P-value and Q-value. Without loss of generality, the length n of the sequence block is assumed to be even. It is easy to figure out that \(|\mathcal {S}| = n+1\), \(|\mathcal {P}|=\frac{n}{2}+1\), \(|\mathcal {Q}|=n+1\), and \(u=0\), \(\sigma ^2=n\). Then, from Equation (8) we get the actual CDF of P-value:
where \(\text {Pr}\{S=s_i\}=2^{-n}\left( {\begin{array}{c}n\\ i-1\end{array}}\right) \approx \frac{2}{\sqrt{2\pi n}}e^{\frac{-(2i-n-2)^{2}}{2n}}\), \(p_{i}=\mathrm{erfc}(\frac{|2i-n-2|}{\sqrt{2n}})\), and \(i\in \{1,2,...,\frac{n}{2}\}\).
From Eq. (7), we get the actual CDF of Q-value:
where \(\text {Pr}\{S=s_j\}=2^{-n}\left( {\begin{array}{c}n\\ j-1\end{array}}\right) \approx \frac{2}{\sqrt{2\pi n}}e^{\frac{-(2j-n-2)^{2}}{2n}}\), \(q_{j} = \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{erfc}(\frac{2j-n-2}{\sqrt{2n}})\) and \(j\in \{1,2,...,n+1\}\).
For the parameter \(n=200\), we plot the actual CDFs of P-value and Q-value, as shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that Q-value’s actual CDF is closer to the uniform distribution than P-value’s.
Then, we compare the uniformity between actual P-values and Q-values through the chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Here we choose \(n=2^{20}\) and \(K = 16\) to better express the difference between Q-values and P-values in the chi-square test. As shown in Eq. (9), the statistic value \(\chi ^2\) is computed using \(O_i\) which is the number of P-values or Q-values in the ith sub-interval.
Using the Q-value and P-value CDFs with \(n=2^{20}\), we calculate two sets of \(O_i\) based on P-values and Q-values, respectively. As expected, the set of \(O_i\) based on Q-values shows better consistency with the uniform distribution than that based on P-values, as shown in Fig. 7. Therefore, we conclude that, under the same test parameters, the Q-value based second-level test has higher reliability than the P-value based one.
To verify the correctness of the derived actual CDF of Q-value, we test the BBS output sequence with test parameters \(n=2^{10}\) and \(N=100000\), and count the number of Q-values in each sub-interval. The experimental and theoretical counting results in each sub-interval are shown in Fig. 8, which shows good consistency between the theory and the experiment.
5 Statistical Tests on PRNGs
In this section, our experiments confirm that the Q-value based second-level tests have lower probabilities to erroneously identify good RNGs as not random, and also demonstrate that they have greater testing capability.
5.1 Experiment Setup
We choose several popular PRNGs including BBS, Linear Congruential Generator (LCG), Modular Exponentiation Generator (MODEXPG), and Micall-Schnorr Generator (MSG), and test their original output sequences using the NIST Statistical Test Suite (sts v2.1) [8] and our version using Q-values.
The test parameters adopted by each test item are the default values specified in the sts v2.1 toolkit. Also, we run the PRNG functions included in the toolkit to generate the output sequences, and the input parameters for these PRNGs are the default values fixed in the source code of sts v2.1, where the default seed of LCG is 23482349.
5.2 Statistical Testing
Using the recommended test parameters \(n=10^6\) and \(N=1000\), we perform statistical tests on the output sequences of these PRNGs. We only list the second-level test results (i.e., \(p_t\)’s) for the Frequency Test, the Runs Test, the Spectral Test, and the Universal Test, as shown in Table 1. We omit the results of the Random Excursions Variant Test, for 18 different subitems are included in this item and all these subitems are passed.
All the tested sequences of these PRNGs pass the whole original SP 800-22 test suite, except for MODEXPG. For BBS, MSG, and LCG, the \(p_t\)’s of the three binomial-based tests are all greater than the preset threshold \(\alpha _T=0.0001\), thus these PRNGs pass both P-value based and Q-value based second-level tests. For MODEXPG, the Frequency Test fails either for P-value or Q-value. However, the Q-value’s \(p_t\) of LCG in the Spectral Test becomes very small (0.0007), which indicates that the test statistics are not well consistent with the standard normal distribution, though \(p_t\) is still greater than \(\alpha _T\).
In order to confirm the discovery in the Spectral Test, we plot the histograms using the probability density values computed on the 1000 test statistics from LCG or MSG, and compare them with the PDF of the standard normal distribution, as depicted in Fig. 9. The distribution of the test statistics of MSG has better consistency with the standard normal distribution, while the distribution of the test statistics of LCG drifts to the right. As we analyzed in Sect. 4.2, the Q-value based test is more sensitive to the mean drift, thus detects the drift better than the P-value based test.
For the Spectral Test, Pareschi et al. [10] pointed out that the variance \(\sigma ^2=0.95\cdot 0.05\cdot n/c\) with \(c=3.8\), is closer to the ideal distribution than the original value (\(c=4\)) in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite [4, 6, 11]. Here we emphasize that the modification only adjusts the variance of the test statistic value, rather than the mean. The reason why the tested sequence almost fails the Spectral Test is the asymmetry of the statistic values. Therefore, the mean drift (or the asymmetry) still exists after modifying the variance, thus the Q-value based test can still detect the drift. This is confirmed by the experiment, and the experimental results for \(c=3.8\) are also shown in Table 1.
5.3 Further Analysis on LCG
We repeat the Spectral Test on the output sequences of LCG with different seeds, and the \(p_t\) results of the P-value and Q-valued based second-level tests are presented in Table 2. From Table 2, we confirm that the conflict in Table 1 is not a coincidence or individual example, as similar results are also obtained for other seeds. It is noted that the choice of the LCG parameters has an impact on the quality of the output, thus the output sequences derived from some seeds are possible to show better statistical properties, as shown in the latter rows of Table 2.
Although we get small \(p_t\)’s in the Q-value based second-level tests for LCG outputs, the sequence is still considered to pass the test (\(p_t\ge \alpha _T=0.0001\)). Therefore, we further test the LCG outputs using a longer block length \(n=10^7\) to improve the testing capability, and the tested sequence is the same with that in Table 1. We find that, out of \(N=100\) blocks only 2 blocks pass the Spectral Test, i.e., the first-level test fails. For comparison, we also perform the test with \(n=10^7\) and \(N=100\) on the same BBS output sequence in Table 1, and the test is still passed. The detailed test reports are presented in Appendix B.
It is reasonable to conclude that the Q-value based second-level tests improve the detectability under the same test parameters. In the process of increasing the block length to improve the testing capability, the Q-value based second-level tests discover statistical flaws sooner.
6 Conclusion
We investigate the testing capability of the second-level tests of the binomial-based tests in the NIST SP 800-22 test suite, and find that, the sequence that passes the tests could still have statistical flaws in the assessed aspect. Hence, we propose Q-value as the metric for the second-level tests to replace the original P-value without any extra modification. The Q-value based second-level test is applicable for all the five binomial-based tests, including the Frequency, Runs, Spectral, Universal, and Random Excursions Variant Tests. We provide the correctness proof of the proposed Q-value based second-level tests, and the distance analyses show that the modification improves the testing capability. Surprisingly, the comparison between the P-value’s and Q-value’s actual distributions indicates that the testing reliability is also improved. The experiments on several popular PRNGs demonstrate that the Q-value based second-level tests improve the detectability under the same test parameters. In the future, we will study the effectiveness of our method on TRNGs, and further analyze the properties of the Q-value based second-level tests.
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We thank the anonymous reviewers of CHES 2016 and ASIACRYPT 2016, for their invaluable suggestions and comments to improve the quality and fairness of this paper. This work was partially supported by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program No. 2013CB338001), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61602476) and Strategy Pilot Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA06010702).
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Zhu, S., Ma, Y., Lin, J., Zhuang, J., Jing, J. (2016). More Powerful and Reliable Second-Level Statistical Randomness Tests for NIST SP 800-22. In: Cheon, J., Takagi, T. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2016. ASIACRYPT 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10031. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53887-6_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53887-6_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-662-53886-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-662-53887-6
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