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Peirce algebras

Published: 01 May 1994 Publication History


We present a two-sorted algebra, called aPeirce algebra, of relations and sets interacting with each other. In a Peirce algebra, sets can combine with each other as in a Boolean algebra, relations can combine with each other as in a relation algebra, and in addition we have both a set-forming operator on relations (the Peirce product of Boolean modules) and a relation-forming operator on sets (a cylindrification operation). Two applications of Peirce algebras are given. The first points out that Peirce algebras provide a natural algebraic framework for modelling certain programming constructs. The second shows that the so-calledterminological logics arising in knowledge representation have evolved a semantics best described as a calculus of relations interacting with sets.



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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Formal Aspects of Computing
Formal Aspects of Computing  Volume 6, Issue 3
May 1994
112 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 May 1994
Accepted: 15 April 1993
Received: 15 March 1992
Published in FAC Volume 6, Issue 3

Author Tags

  1. Boolean modules
  2. Relation algebras
  3. Terminological logics
  4. Weakest prespecifications


  • Research-article


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