This paper presents a model for analysis and a practical method of management of a session meant at attainment of consensus regarding preferences over a set of multi-aspect options, these preferences being expressed through pairwise comparisons or orderings. The model and the method accept and process valued or fuzzy preferences, while preserving an entirely “crisp” procedure throughout the approach. The aggregation method presented previously in Owsiński and Zadrożny [17, 18] is referred to and expanded for the case of clusterwise preference aggregation and consensus measurement. The framework of the clustering approach of Owsiński [19] is applied, allowing for a natural definition of consensus.
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Owsiński, J.W. Preferences, agreement, consensus — measuring, aggregation and control. Ann Oper Res 51, 217–240 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02078897
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02078897