In this work, we demonstrate the current advancements assimilated in the earlier developed continuous Kannada automatic speech recognition (ASR) spoken query system (SQS) under uncontrolled environment. The SQS comprises interactive voice response system and ASR models which are developed using Kaldi. A variety of background noises were added to the continuous Kannada speech data while training the ASR system, as it was gathered under a corrupted environment. In the earlier SQS, the background and other types of noises have reduced the accuracy of speech recognition. This can be overcome by developing a robust noise reduction algorithm for degraded speech enhancement. In the enhanced SQS, a background noise reduction module is introduced before the speech feature extraction step. The proposed noise cancellation algorithm is represented by the degraded spectrum of speech in a complex plane which is an amalgamation of clean speech spectrum and noise model vectors. The conducted investigational results reveal that the proposed noise suppression algorithm outperforms the traditional spectral subtraction algorithms and magnitude squared spectrum (MSS) estimators. The outputs of the proposed approach show that there is no audibility of musical noise and other types of noises in enhanced NOIZEUS speech corpora and continuous Kannada speech data. Therefore, the noise suppression algorithm is applied to the degraded continuous Kannada speech data for its enhancement. Using noise suppression algorithm and time delay neural network ASR modelling technique in SQS, there is an improvement of 1.87% in terms of word error rate in comparison with the earlier developed deep neural network - hidden Markov model (DNN-HMM)-based SQS. The online testing of enhanced continuous Kannada SQS is done by the 500 speakers/users of the Karnataka state under a corrupted environment. The source code of algorithms and ASR models used in this work is made publicly available https://sites.google.com/view/thimmarajayadavag/downloads.

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Yadava, G.T., Nagaraja, B.G. & Jayanna, H.S. Enhancements in Continuous Kannada ASR System by Background Noise Elimination. Circuits Syst Signal Process 41, 4041–4067 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-022-01973-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00034-022-01973-0