We provide a counterexample to Theorem 1 (A) in Dhillon (Soc Choice Welf 15:521–542, 1998).
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We assume that the reader is familiar with the definitions and notation in Dhillon (1998).
The omitted condition is that the domain of the SWF needs to be restricted to preference profiles that can be represented by profiles of utility functions satisfying the condition \(d(\mathbf {u})>2\). We are grateful to Amrita Dhillon for confirming that this is the correct interpretation of her Theorem 1(A), and that also our re-formulation of the Extended Pareto Axiom above reflects her intentions.
Here and in the following we identify utility functions \(u:A\rightarrow \mathbb {R}\) with the real vector \((u(a))_{a\in A}\).
We abuse the symbol \(\lambda _i\) to denote not only the function \(\lambda _i: {\mathscr {L}}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{++}\) but also numbers \(\lambda _i>0\).
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We are grateful to Amrita Dhillon for conversations about this note.
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Börgers, T., Choo, YM. A counterexample to Dhillon (1998). Soc Choice Welf 48, 837–843 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-017-1037-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-017-1037-9