Let G be an n-node and m-edge positively real-weighted undirected graph. For any given integer \(f \ge 1\), we study the problem of designing a sparse f-edge-fault-tolerant (f-EFT) \(\sigma \)-approximate single-source shortest-path tree (\(\sigma \)-ASPT), namely a subgraph of G having as few edges as possible and which, following the failure of a set F of at most f edges in G, contains paths from a fixed source that are stretched by a factor of at most \(\sigma \). To this respect, we provide an algorithm that efficiently computes an f-EFT \((2|F|+1)\)-ASPT of size O(fn). Our structure improves on a previous related construction designed for unweighted graphs, having the same size but guaranteeing a larger stretch factor of \(3(f+1)\), plus an additive term of \((f+1) \log n\). Then, we show how to convert our structure into an efficient f-EFT single-source distance oracle, that can be built in \(O(f m\, \alpha (m,n)+fn \log ^3 n)\) time, has size \(O(fn \log ^2 n)\), and in \(O(|F|^2 \log ^2 n)\) time is able to report a \((2|F|+1)\)-approximate distance from the source to any node in \(G-F\). Moreover, our oracle can return a corresponding approximate path in the same amount of time plus the path’s size. The oracle is obtained by tackling another fundamental problem, namely that of updating a minimum spanning forest (MSF) of G following a batch of k simultaneous modification (i.e., edge insertions, deletions and weight changes). For this problem, we build in \(O(m \log ^3 n)\) time an oracle of size \(O(m \log ^2 n)\), that reports in \(O(k^2 \log ^2 n)\) time the (at most 2k) edges either exiting from or entering into the MSF. Finally, for any integer \(k \ge 1\), we complement all our results with a lower bound of \(\Omega \left( n^{1+\frac{1}{k}}\right) \) to the size of any f-EFT \(\sigma \)-ASPT with \(f \ge \log n\) and \(\sigma < \frac{3k+1}{k+1}\), that holds if the Erdős’ girth conjecture is true.
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Throughout this introduction, all the discussed structures are poly-time computable, even if we may omit to specify the actual running time.
We use this terminology for the oracle in accordance with its functionality of only reporting the topological changes in the MSF.
The \(\widetilde{O}\) notation hides poly-logarithmic factors in n.
These structures are also known as sourcewise spanners. We will write MSBFS and MSABFS in place of multi-source BFS and multi-source ABFS, respectively.
For the sake of avoiding technicalities, in the following we assume that each edge is subject to at most a single update and we also assume that the graph G always remains connected, so that we simply talk about a MST instead of a MSF of G. For instance, this can be easily guaranteed by adding a dummy vertex \(x \not \in V(G)\) that is connected to all the vertices of V(G) with edges of large weights.
Since T is an unrooted tree, we define the degree of a vertex v in T to be the number of edges that are incident v.
A cluster \(C'\) is maximal if there is no other cluster \(C'' \in \mathcal {C}\) such that \(C' \subset C'' \subset C\).
Here we use \(+\infty \) (resp., \(-\infty \)) to denote a special edge weight that is always considered to be larger (resp., smaller) than any other edge weight.
We assume that such a path exists, as otherwise \(d_{G-F}(t)=+\infty \) which implies \(d_{H-F}(t)=+\infty \), and we are done.
A cut-set of a graph X is a subset of E(X) whose removal increases the number of connected components of X.
We think of \(T_i\) as rooted in the vertex of \(V(T_i)\) which is closest to s in T.
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The fund was grant by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Algorithms for (fault-tolerant) pairwise spanners and distance oracles.
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This work was partially supported by the Research Grant PRIN 2010 “ARS TechnoMedia”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research, and by the Research Grant "Algorithms for (fault-tolerant) pairwise spanners and distance oracles", funded by “Fondazione di Sardegna” in 2016.
This work was partially supported by the "Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2019" Grant of the University of Sassari and by the project E89C20000620005 "ALgorithmic aspects of BLOckchain TECHnology" (ALBLOTECH).
A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceeding of the 33rd International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2016)
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Bilò, D., Gualà, L., Leucci, S. et al. Multiple-Edge-Fault-Tolerant Approximate Shortest-Path Trees. Algorithmica 84, 37–59 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-021-00879-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-021-00879-8
- Multiple-edge fault-tolerant shortest-path tree
- Distance sensitivity oracle
- Fully-dynamic minimum spanning tree