Species ranges are expected to move polewards following the changing climate, which poses novel challenges to the protected area network, particularly at northern latitudes. Here we study how well protected areas are likely to sustain populations of birds of conservation concern under a changing climate in northern Europe, in Finland. We fitted bioclimatic envelope models generated for 100 bird species to climate scenario data for the years 2051–2080 and three alternative emission scenarios in a 10-km grid system to predict changes in the species probability of occurrence. We related the projected changes in the climatic suitability to the amount of protected preferred habitat for the study species in the 10-km grid cells, and based on the cover of four main CORINE Land Cover classes in each conservation area in Finland. The probability of occurrence of all species (except marshland birds) decreased according to all scenarios, the decline being greatest in southern and smallest in northern boreal zones. This decline was slightly greater in unprotected than in protected areas for species of forests, mires and mountain habitats. The climatically suitable areas for the species were predicted to shift northwards, but the potential gain of southern species of conservation concern appears not to compensate for the loss of northern species. Thus, a representative protected area network is needed in all boreal zones. Overall, our results show that species-specific habitat preferences and habitat availability should be taken into account when assessing the efficiency of a protected area network in a changing climate.
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Richard D. Gregory and the British Trust for Ornithology are greatly acknowledged for providing us with the European Bird Atlas data. The work was part of the A-LA-CARTE project led by Tim Carter in the Research Programme on Climate Change (FICCA) of the Academy of Finland. The comments of two anonymous reviewers are acknowledged.
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Virkkala, R., Heikkinen, R.K., Fronzek, S. et al. Does the protected area network preserve bird species of conservation concern in a rapidly changing climate?. Biodivers Conserv 22, 459–482 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0423-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0423-y