This paper presents the impact of the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) systems jointly in the Spanish Primary Public Health System. Different EHRs that exist in each of the Spanish regions are discussed. Moreover, other purpose of this analysis is to identify the current state of knowledge about health information systems adoption in primary care in Spain. For the analysis and study of EHRs systems in Spain we have relied on the use of different sources, mostly items related to the study of EHRs systems in different areas. We will analyze some technical aspects of these and some of their major implications, both positive and negative. Moreover, we have resorted to make direct contact with the organizations that have implemented the EHRs systems. The result of this study leads to a main idea, the need for interoperability between different systems. We will delve into how we have reached this conclusion and that is the key to EHRs systems homogenization of Spanish territory. EHR systems used in different regions of Spain offer the access to medical information as well as provide a clinical analysis of each patient more quickly. The adoption of health information systems is seen world wide as one method to mitigate the widening health care demand and supply gap.

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The authors wish to express our gratitude to the organizations that have implemented the EHRs systems in Spain by answering our questions.
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de la Torre, I., González, S. & López-Coronado, M. Analysis of the EHR Systems in Spanish Primary Public Health System: The Lack of Interoperability. J Med Syst 36, 3273–3281 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-011-9818-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-011-9818-7