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Direct Observation of Plasma Waves and Dynamics Induced by Laser-Accelerated Electron Beams

M. F. Gilljohann, H. Ding, A. Döpp, J. Götzfried, S. Schindler, G. Schilling, S. Corde, A. Debus, T. Heinemann, B. Hidding, S. M. Hooker, A. Irman, O. Kononenko, T. Kurz, A. Martinez de la Ossa, U. Schramm, and S. Karsch
Phys. Rev. X 9, 011046 – Published 12 March 2019
An article within the collection: Special Collection on Laser-Plasma Particle Acceleration
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Plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) is a novel acceleration technique with promising prospects for both particle colliders and light sources. However, PWFA research has so far been limited to a few large-scale accelerator facilities worldwide. Here, we present first results on plasma wakefield generation using electron beams accelerated with a 100-TW-class Ti:sapphire laser. Because of their ultrashort duration and high charge density, the laser-accelerated electron bunches are suitable to drive plasma waves at electron densities in the order of 1019cm3. We capture the beam-induced plasma dynamics with femtosecond resolution using few-cycle optical probing and, in addition to the plasma wave itself, we observe a distinctive transverse ion motion in its trail. This previously unobserved phenomenon can be explained by the ponderomotive force of the plasma wave acting on the ions, resulting in a modulation of the plasma density over many picoseconds. Because of the scaling laws of plasma wakefield generation, results obtained at high plasma density using high-current laser-accelerated electron beams can be readily scaled to low-density systems. Laser-driven PWFA experiments can thus act as miniature models for their larger, conventional counterparts. Furthermore, our results pave the way towards a novel generation of laser-driven PWFA, which can potentially provide ultralow emittance beams within a compact setup.

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  • Received 26 October 2018


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Accelerators & BeamsPlasma PhysicsAtomic, Molecular & Optical


This article appears in the following collection:

Special Collection on Laser-Plasma Particle Acceleration

Physical Review X showcases the scientific vitality and diversity of the field of laser-plasma particle acceleration with a carefully curated collection of articles.

Authors & Affiliations

M. F. Gilljohann1,2, H. Ding1,2, A. Döpp1,2,*, J. Götzfried1, S. Schindler1, G. Schilling1, S. Corde3, A. Debus4, T. Heinemann5,6, B. Hidding5,7, S. M. Hooker8, A. Irman4, O. Kononenko3, T. Kurz4, A. Martinez de la Ossa6, U. Schramm4, and S. Karsch1,2,†

  • 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
  • 2Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Strasse 1, Garching 85748, Germany
  • 3LOA, ENSTA ParisTech-CNRS-École Polytechnique-Université Paris-Saclay, 828 Boulevard des Maréchaux, 91762 Palaiseau Cedex, France
  • 4Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiation Physics, Bautzner Landstrasse 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany
  • 5Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, United Kingdom
  • 6Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany
  • 7Cockcroft Institute, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire WA4 4AD, United Kingdom
  • 8John Adams Institute & Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom

  • *andreas.doepp@physik.uni-muenchen.de
  • stefan.karsch@physik.uni-muenchen.de

Popular Summary

By smashing together particles at very high speeds, physicists have identified the fundamental ingredients of the Universe—particles and forces—and how they interact. But researchers suspect that there are more waiting to be found, and those discoveries will require particle colliders that operate at much higher energies than current facilities. However, such colliders will eventually become too expensive to build because achieving those energies will require accelerating particles across spans reaching hundreds of kilometers. Hence, alternative approaches have been proposed to reach those energies in a fraction of the space. We present a successful demonstration of one of the most promising of those approaches, known as beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA), on a laboratory scale.

Conceived in the 1980s, PWFA relies on an intense particle beam to generate a relativistic plasma wave. PWFA can impart a 40-GeV energy gain within less than a meter; the same gain that conventional accelerators impart over several kilometers. Until now, large-scale accelerators, which are sparsely available, have been necessary to study PWFA.

We present, for the first time, beam-driven plasma wakefield generation on a laboratory scale. Our laser-generated electron beams can drive plasma waves at unprecedentedly high densities, producing a “miniature model” of large-scale PWFAs. Furthermore, the all-optical setup enables us to study the femtosecond-to-picosecond dynamics of the plasma. This reveals a theoretically predicted, but yet unobserved, plasma response in the trail of the wave, which is highly relevant for the development of efficient PWFAs.

Our measurements show that widely available laser systems are a viable addition to the study of the physics of plasma wakefield acceleration, one that will boost research on PWFA and future high-energy colliders.

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Vol. 9, Iss. 1 — January - March 2019

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  • Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Experimental setup. The probe pulse is picked from the main beam at the chamber entrance and is coupled into a SPM-based broadening and compression setup outside of the vacuum chamber (not shown here). Meanwhile, the drive beam (2 J, 30 fs) is delayed by about 20 ns to accommodate for the additional delay of the few-cycle probe. The gas target and probe imaging setup are mounted on a hexapod stage in focus of the off-axis parabola (OAP). The profile of the laser-accelerated electron beam (indicated in blue) is measured with a scintillating screen (not shown here) mounted in front of the dipole magnet spectrometer. The ionizing pulse (about 60 mJ) is also picked from the main beam and focused using a second OAP at an angle of 173° to the drive beam. Bottom right: Larger sketch of the target geometry, showing the two gas jets, the optional tape drive to block the laser, and the three laser beams.

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  • Figure 2
    Figure 2

    Shadowgram of laser- and beam-driven plasma waves in the second gas jet. Left: Laser- and beam-driven plasma waves in the second gas jet (propagating to the right) after a free drift and spatial separation. Note the conelike feature trailing only the upper plasma wave. Right: Autocorrelation of each row of the signal in the interval of the marked plasma waves on the left. The red and white lineouts show the respective periodic signal modulations caused by the plasma waves.

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  • Figure 3
    Figure 3

    Electron-driven plasma waves with blocked laser. Top: (a) Shadowgrams of the second jet for neutral and preionized hydrogen gas. The drive bunch propagates from left to right. (b) Row-wise autocorrelations within the region of interest (dashed rectangle). The graphs in (b) are the horizontal lineouts at vertical zero. The transverse modulation in the neutral case can only be attributed to ionization from the electron beam. The autocorrelation (b1) shows no indication of a longitudinal signal modulation that would be generated by a plasma wave. However, the preionized case (a2) shows a weak, but visible periodical longitudinal modulation which is caused by a plasma wave driven by the electron beam. This modulation is clearly visible in the autocorrelation (b2). Bottom: Full 3D simulations of the interaction. (c) Charge densities of the background plasma electrons (blue-red color scale) along with the driver (gray color scale). The regions in (c1) where the electron density is zero correspond to nonionized gas. (d) Evolution of the transverse (longitudinally integrated) driver density for both cases, along with their half width at half maximum (HWHM, dashed line). The driver in the preionized case self-focuses much faster and drives a stronger plasma wave, even with full blowout of the background electrons. In the neutral case the driver is not able to fully ionize the gas. See Fig. S3 in the Supplemental Material [47] for a close-up of the drivers.

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  • Figure 4
    Figure 4

    Ion-channel formation from a plasma wakefield. Left: (a) Raw shadowgrams showing electron-driven plasma waves (propagating to the right) and their trailing ion channels for five consecutive shots. The dashed lines in the lower shadowgram exemplarily show the maxima of the ion distribution (via the electron distribution), the radial velocity of the maxima v˜ and the momentum of an ion with p˜=miv˜. Right: Corresponding particle-in-cell simulations and synthetic shadowgram (b). The electron (c) and ion densities (d) clearly show quasineutrality after several plasma-wave periods. The channel in the synthetic shadowgram is in excellent agreement with the measured ones. The ion trajectories (e) on a radially scaled ion density from (d) show that ions close to the symmetry axis are accelerated towards the axis, while ions with r02kp1 are accelerated away from it. Arrows along with the color scale indicate the instantaneous momenta.

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  • Figure 5
    Figure 5

    Beam profile and energy spectra of representative shots with only the first gas jet (top) and with tape and second gas jet (bottom).

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