Characterising and profiling health Web user and site types: going beyond “hits”
Identifies Internet health user types according to three factors: site attributes most favoured, health topics most sought, and the health sites they visited. Knowing what type of consumer uses a site is important, as this should inform menu structure and provide an understanding of why certain kinds of people visit certain sites. Web sites even in the same field will not appeal to all users. Much of this differentiation will come down to design and feel of the site, although site attributes and information needs also impact here. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire placed on the SurgeryDoor Web site, a site which provides consumer health information. In all a total of 1,068 responses were received. Shows that useful groupings can indeed be constructed. Users were also classified according to additional health sites visited, also a preference metric, and this additionally is related to site attribute preferences, information needs and user characteristics.
Huntington, P., Nicholas, D. and Williams, P. (2003), "Characterising and profiling health Web user and site types: going beyond “hits”", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 55 No. 5/6, pp. 277-289.
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