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20 March 2015 Comparisons of topological properties in autism for the brain network construction methods
Min-Hee Lee, Dong Youn Kim, Sang Hyeon Lee, Jin Uk Kim, Moo K. Chung
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Structural brain networks can be constructed from the white matter fiber tractography of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and the structural characteristics of the brain can be analyzed from its networks. When brain networks are constructed by the parcellation method, their network structures change according to the parcellation scale selection and arbitrary thresholding. To overcome these issues, we modified the Ɛ -neighbor construction method proposed by Chung et al. (2011). The purpose of this study was to construct brain networks for 14 control subjects and 16 subjects with autism using both the parcellation and the Ɛ-neighbor construction method and to compare their topological properties between two methods. As the number of nodes increased, connectedness decreased in the parcellation method. However in the Ɛ-neighbor construction method, connectedness remained at a high level even with the rising number of nodes. In addition, statistical analysis for the parcellation method showed significant difference only in the path length. However, statistical analysis for the Ɛ-neighbor construction method showed significant difference with the path length, the degree and the density.
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Min-Hee Lee, Dong Youn Kim, Sang Hyeon Lee, Jin Uk Kim, and Moo K. Chung "Comparisons of topological properties in autism for the brain network construction methods", Proc. SPIE 9413, Medical Imaging 2015: Image Processing, 941323 (20 March 2015); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2081133
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Diffusion tensor imaging


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