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15 May 2003 Automatic bone age assessment: a registration approach
Miguel-Angel Martin-Fernandez, Marcos Martin-Fernandez, Carlos Alberola-Lopez
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In this paper we describe a method for registering human hand radiographs (templates) onto a target radiograph for automatic bone age assessment. The method itself constitutes a complete methodology for bone age determination, since it performs similar tasks as the well-known Greulich-Pyle medical technique. In addition, this method is a first step towards a segmentation-by-registration procedure which pursues to carry out a detailed shape analysis of the bones of the hand with the same purpose of age determination. The method consists of two registration stages: the first one is a landmark-based procedure, with landmarks located in relevant areas of the human hand. This first stage consists of several affine transformations both applied to the whole hand and to each particular finger. The second stage is an intensity-based method which uses mutual information to correct for the differences in the finger widths between the template images and the target image.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Miguel-Angel Martin-Fernandez, Marcos Martin-Fernandez, and Carlos Alberola-Lopez "Automatic bone age assessment: a registration approach", Proc. SPIE 5032, Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, (15 May 2003); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.481324
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Image registration



Image segmentation

Image processing

Shape analysis

Affine motion model

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