Cited By
View all- Patrascu MMitzenmacher MSchulman L(2010)Towards polynomial lower bounds for dynamic problemsProceedings of the forty-second ACM symposium on Theory of computing10.1145/1806689.1806772(603-610)Online publication date: 5-Jun-2010
In the late nineties, Erickson proved a remarkable lower bound on the decision tree complexity of one of the central problems of computational geometry: given n numbers, do any r of them add up to 0? His lower bound of Ω(n⌈r/2⌉), for any fixed r, is ...
We show that in the worst case, $\Omega(n^{\ceil{d/2}-1} + n\log n)$ sidedness queries are required to determine whether the convex hull of n points in $\Real^d$ is simplicial or to determine the number of convex hull facets. This lower bound matches ...
We present improved upper and lower bounds on the spanning ratio of -graphs with at least six cones. Given a set of points in the plane, a -graph partitions the plane around each vertex u into m disjoint cones, each having aperture = 2 π / m , and adds ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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