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Reasoning about evolving nonmonotonic knowledge bases

Published: 01 April 2005 Publication History


Recently, several approaches to updating knowledge bases modeled as extended logic programs have been introduced, ranging from basic methods to incorporate (sequences of) sets of rules into a logic program, to more elaborate methods which use an update policy for specifying how updates must be incorporated. In this article, we introduce a framework for reasoning about evolving knowledge bases, which are represented as extended logic programs and maintained by an update policy. We first describe a formal model which captures various update approaches, and we define a logical language for expressing properties of evolving knowledge bases. We then investigate semantical and computational properties of our framework, where we focus on properties of knowledge states with respect to the canonical reasoning task of whether a given formula holds in a given evolving knowledge base. In particular, we present finitary characterizations of the evolution for certain classes of framework instances, which can be exploited for obtaining decidability results. In more detail, we characterize the complexity of reasoning for some meaningful classes of evolving knowledge bases, ranging from polynomial to double exponential space complexity.


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ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  Volume 6, Issue 2
April 2005
278 pages
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Published: 01 April 2005
Published in TOCL Volume 6, Issue 2


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  1. Answer-set semantics
  2. computational complexity
  3. knowledge-base evolution
  4. logic-program updates
  5. nonmonotonic knowledge bases
  6. program equivalence
  7. temporal reasoning


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