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View all- Varghese DMthoko HWatterson JKulkarni PRichardson DLazem SOlivier P(2023)Shadow Program Committee: Designing for Diversity and Equity within Academic CommunitiesACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies10.1145/36307432:1(1-24)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2023
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- Soneji AKokulu FRubio-Medrano CBao TWang RShoshitaishvili YDoupé A(2022)“Flawed, but like democracy we don’t have a better system”: The Experts’ Insights on the Peer Review Process of Evaluating Security Papers2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP)10.1109/SP46214.2022.9833581(1845-1862)Online publication date: May-2022
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